
  • Last year, due to the constant disruption of the Japanese whaling fleet by the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, the massive earthquake, and the resulting tsunami, it looked like the whalers had given up. Unfortunately they plan on returning to the Southern Ocean to hunt whales again this year and Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd…

  • There is a fight going on in Oregon between wolf advocates and ranchers.  Nothing new right? Well, this one has a twist.  As it stands now, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) biologists are who make the determinations as to whether a wolf is responsible for killing livestock or not.  Ranchers don’t like that…

  • It’s whether he turns down the Keystone XL pipeline- Exploiting the tar sands of Alberta is so bad that famous NASA climatologist James Hansen said that if they are fully exploited for their oil deposits, “it is essentially game over” for the planet. So will he make nice with the oil companies and the Republicans…

  • Environmentally destructive programs identified by activists from the left and the right- Viewpoint: Spending Cuts Are Great When the Spending Is Stupid. By Michael Grunwald . Time Magazine This proposal is being made by the deficit-hawk Taxpayers for Common Sense, free-market Heartland Institute, the environmental group Friends of the Earth, and consumer watchdog Public Citizen.

  • Mike Hudak interviews Don Oman, a 35-year veteran of the U.S. Forest Service, about his experience working with the agency as a part of Hudak’s series of interviews compiled for Western Turf Wars: The Politics of Public Lands Ranching Don Oman, a 35-year veteran of the U.S. Forest Service explains how political pressure initiated by ranchers…

  • Montana judge’s ruling saves Lochsa River and local Idaho and Montana residents- Imperial Oil, Canadian spawn of ExxonMobil has announced they are going to try to break down the size of their tar sands-bound megaloads so that they won’t have to use narrow, winding, scenic U.S. Highway 12 through North Central Idaho and then Montana.…

  • DeChristopher and Noel, a tale of two crimes. Salt Lake Tribune. This is about the difference in the sentence given DeChristopher versus a notorious Utah plunderer of historical antiquities on public lands. DeChristopher sentence riles protesters. 26 arrested. By Derek P. Jensen. The Salt Lake Tribune – – – – Added July 28 and 29,…

  • Peaceful disruptor of BLM oil auction to be sentenced today by our ExxonMobil government- Bill Mckibben opines on today’s sentencing of Tim DeChristopher by a government that couldn’t find a single corrupt banker after they just about destroyed the economy back in 2008. Tim DeChristopher and the feds. By Bill Mckibben.  The Salt Lake Tribune.…

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