
  • A good question, given all the unprosecuted, indeed celebrated, criminals at high levels- Tim DeChristopher was convicted at his trial after not being allowed to explain the motives for his prank. Do Motives Matter? The DeChristopher Verdict. The New York Times. By Kirk Johnson. Inside traders, coal and oil company disaster creators, military contractors break…

  • DeChristopher may get 10 years for unconventional method of protecting Utah’s beautiful canyonlands from oi companies- We have had many stories on this, but not for quite a while. Tim DeChristopher could be punished far more than the Wall Street investment bankers who stole billions. He bid against oil speculators at a Department of Interior…

  • Victory !! “Japan will cut short this year’s annual whale hunt in the Antarctic Ocean after obstruction by an environmental group largely prevented its ships from killing whales, the government said Friday.” Read about in in the New York Times. By Martin Fackler. – – – – – Earlier in this blog. 11/30/10.  Has the…

  • Opponents of the megaloads drop fight on the first four- Having lost before the Idaho Department of Transportation, opponents of the oil megaloads will no longer try to stop the first four of them.  These are bound for the existing oil refinery in Billings, Montana. The next 200 megaloads (not approved for now) are for what…

  • Idaho activists successfully delay megaloads into 2011- Hearing officer does not issue a decision on the international oil company megaloads sitting at the Port of Lewiston, Idaho. Decision will be coming out at an undefined future date. No ruling before Christmas on megaloads. Lewiston (ID) Tribune on-line

  • Center for Biological Diversity seeks to return wolves to West Coast, New England, Southern Rockies and Great Plains The Center for Biological Diversity has filed litigation in response to the lack of response to their petition to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to expand protections for wolves across a significant portion of their historical…

  • This is not the first land protection buy-up in the Rockies by the Swiss billionaire- This purchase seems to be a very good thing for conservation of the Montana landscape, but I’d bet this post will stir up a lot of debate about billionaires buying land (or maybe just about billionaires and why there are…

  • Activism at work. I’ve never written about this here but I have been following this campaign for many years and I have been acquainted with a number of people who have volunteered for the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society over those years. Of all of the anti-whaling groups out there they are the most effective but…

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