
  • Oversized, outsized equipment protest. . . the first of years of citizen anger against environmental disruption and traffic delays? It seems to me that this will not be a one time event because the passage of this huge equipment through north central Idaho and then Montana will be ongoing for many years. Missoula demonstrators protest…

  • Jon Marvel sees two ways to get cows and sheep to stop grazing on public lands: Politics and litigation. He chooses the latter. Dennis Higman does a profile on Jon for NewWest. Fortunate for all of us who care about western public lands and wildlife, the degree to which ranchers and their politician lap-dogs whine…

  • Is compromising with the lawless in the best interest of wolves, wildlife, or the ESA? By Ken Cole, Ralph Maughan, and Brian Ertz. Ever since wolves were relisted as an Endangered Species by Judge Molloy of Montana there has been a persistent drone of editorial opinion, political grandstanding, and accusations made about and against wolf/Endangered…

  • Don’t expect facts, just politics and ranting. Do you want to speak your mind and tell Denny Rehberg what you think about wolves? Here’s your chance. Of course these “hearings” are just grandstanding and are being held only in areas where anti-wolf sentiment is strong but you can attend and let your voice be heard.…

  • What has this got to do with wildlife?  Plenty! Growing of marijuana in the woods on both public and private land keeps expanding and using more and more nasty chemicals and violence — a menace to wildlife, hikers, campers, and hunters. This election year might be the year to put an end to the enormously…

  • George Wuerthner responds to anti-wolf claims and asks wildlife managers to consider the ecosystem, the whole community of life, in assessing wolves’ influence in the west: The West needs more, not fewer, wolves – Missoulian, Guest Column – June 7, 2010 : Despite the dire predictions from hunter advocacy groups that wolves are “destroying” elk…

  • Dozens of Environmental Groups and Scientists sign letter asking Obama for Ken Salazar’s Resignation. WildEarth Guardians initiated the drive to find signatories to the letter in which a number of conservation groups and scientists have called for the resignation of Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar. Many of the signatories had asked Obama to not appoint…

  • Bozeman naturalist’s notes on the event- There has been a lot of discussion on the blog of the speech Jim Beer’s gave Sunday May 16th, 2010 at the Gran Tree Inn in Bozeman, from 1 PM to 5 PM. The speech was sponsored by Friends of the Northern Yellowstone Elk Herd, which has been complaining…

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