Endangered Species Act

  • The bull trout, a char, is listed under the Endangered Species Act as threatened in the lower 48 states.  It has been extirpated from about 60 percent of its natural range. Worse, like many native salmonids, it is primarily found in headwater streams with little connectivity to larger river systems. The bull trout is a top apex predator, and as a…

  • Down to 7 Percent of Historic Range and Declining, Grouse Needs Stronger Federal Protection WASHINGTON— Conservation groups today filed a formal notice of intent to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service over its decision to designate the Gunnison sage grouse as a “threatened” rather than “endangered” species under the Endangered Species Act. The agency’s…

  • WildEarth Guardians and Western Environmental Law Center sue U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for insufficient critical habitat to recover the lynx- MISSOULA, Mont. — Today, Nov. 17, WildEarth Guardians represented by the Western Environmental Law Center filed suit against the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) for failing to designate as critical habitat large parts…

  • MONTANA: Western Watersheds Project and Buffalo Field Campaign petitioned the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) today to list the Yellowstone bison under the Endangered Species Act. Yellowstone bison are found primarily in Yellowstone National Park and migrate into the jurisdictions of Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming where the wildlife species is forcibly removed or destroyed…

  • Federal judge wipes the 2012 delisting- Wolf hunt cancelled. Wolves-are-vermin zone is rubbed out- A federal judge has overturned the 2012 delisting of wolves in Wyoming. It looks like a total victory for wolves in the short run. The ruling came from Judge Amy Berman Jackson of the D.C. Circuit. Here is a news release…

  • This August the US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) reversed an earlier 2010 ruling that Arctic Grayling in the Upper Missouri River system of Montana were endangered (but precluded from listing under the Endangered Species Act due to higher priority species). Instead the Service decided that as a result of cooperative efforts by ranchers in…

  • Federal Agency Ignores Best Available Science In Decision Not To List Wolverine- Conservationists Promise Legal Action to Protect Rare Species BOZEMAN, Mont. — The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s decision today to abandon proposed protections for the wolverine ignores the best available science, including advice from the Service’s own wildlife experts, conservation groups stated. In response…

  • FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts:    George Nickas, Wilderness Watch, (406) 542-2048 Gary Macfarlane, Friends of the Clearwater (208) 882-9755   Lawsuit Threatened to Protect Imperiled Bull Trout from Airstrip Expansion in Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness Moscow- Wilderness Watch and Friends of the Clearwater have filed a 60-day Notice of Intent (NOI) to sue the US Forest Service…

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