Endangered Species Act
A good blog on the delisting, relisting, and delisting of the wolf in the Northern Rockies- Huffing and Puffing. By Kevin Taylor. The Pacific Northwest Inlander. Among other things, I like the discussion of the snail darter from back in the 1970s when Congress decided to build a real white elephant of a dam and…
Turf War or Legitimate Concern ? Earlier, we took a look at a recent settlement struck between the Interior Department and WildEarth Guardians that seeks to clear the logjam with species listings under the Endangered Species Act. The settlement would ask the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to make up or down determinations on a…
The list of species the federal government has been more or less forced to consider for ESA protection has been growing longer and longer over the years, and yet it acts very slowly, complaining that species are being added at too fast a rate. Much of the agency’s tiny budget was eaten up responding to…
Salazar announces wolves delisted in Rockies and hunting can begin – Idaho Statesman Wolves will be delisted in the Northern Rockies except Wyoming on Thursday, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said. The rule would reinstate the 2009 decision by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to delist the gray wolf in Idaho and Montana, eastern Washington, eastern…
If filled, the quota will result in estimated 25% reduction in state wolf population- Montana’s wolf hunt is expected to be easier on the state’s wolf population than Idaho’s. With the congressional delisting of the wolf in the Northern Rockies, Montana and Idaho can pretty do what they want in terms of wolf quotas. State…
Long time wildlife foe, Pearce spreading lies about protecting lizard and jobs- Politics and reality clash in New Mexico. Posted on May 1, 2011 by Bob Berwyn. Summit County Citizens Voice. Although he was out of office for a couple years, newly elected Pearce (R-US Rep) is up to his old tricks, made meaner for…
The Ivanpah solar thermal project consists of 5.4 square miles of high quality habitat for the Endangered Species Act protected desert tortoise, a fact that developers (and some investors) underestimated resulting in the temporary suspension of activities on phases 2 and 3 of the project site due to construction activities exceeding the incidental take limit…
NYT condemns Salazar and his acquiescence to delisting the wolf by legislative rider- A Hole in the Endangered Species Act. New York Times.