Endangered Species Act

  • Federal government reassumes Idaho wolf management role- Though doubtful in the short run, hopefully this will lead to fewer livestock losses, fewer government-killed wolves and less controversy, as it was before Idaho took over wolf management. Service to Resume Lead for Wolf Management in Idaho as a Result of Governor’s Announcement. USFWS news release. Oct.…

  • State will not manage wolves nor control poaching- Idaho won’t manage wolves under ESA – John Miller, AP “After talks with the federal government collapsed, Gov. C.L. ‘Butch’ Otter ordered Idaho wildlife managers Monday to relinquish their duty to arrest poachers or to even investigate when wolves are killed illegally.” From his first day in…

  • 1995-2004 study shows beneficial results of reintroducing wolves in terms of their genetics- Well, this is good news, and just what we would expect.  If wolves had been allowed to recolonize on their own, they would not be at all like this. This is why I supported reintroduction instead of regulation heavy natural recolonization under…

  • What has this society come to? Construction of the Ivanpah Solar plant starts. Clear the land of life for power generation that could be achieved by installing solar panels on rooftops where it is used. The bulldozers, fences, and powerlines are next. The science shows that half of these endangered desert tortoises will die and…

  • Salazar Strikes Again, Denying Meaningful Protection for Imperiled Tiny Bunny of the Sagebrush Sea The declining condition of the Sagebrush Sea has been highlighted on a couple of occasions over the past couple of weeks.  In recent Washington state news we learned that jackrabbits in sagebrush habitats are diminishing.  Pygmy rabbits were rejected ESA protections…

  • Death is under investigation The radio collared 2-year-old male of the Wenaha Pack has been killed. It is under USFWS investigation which generally means that it was killed illegally. Protected wolf killed in NE Oregon. Associated Press

  • Michael J. Connor, Ph.D. California Director Western Watersheds Project Secretary of the Interior Salazar is about to initial a series of major giveaways of public lands in California to industrial-scale solar power producers. These “fast-tracked” power plant projects have had truncated environmental reviews in the current administration’s rush to place huge chunks of public land…

  • The ongoing assault on the Sagebrush Sea claims another victim:  Jackrabbits Another animal most commonly considered a pest and valued by the western Cowboy “Custom & Culture” for little more than target-practice, jackrabbits, are disappearing from the landscape: Jack Rabbit Populations Are Under Study In Washington State – OPB News Larson says both black-tail and white-tail jack…

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