Endangered Species Act

  • Extremist, wolf hating politicians blame everyone but themselves Wyoming is angry that they can’t get their way on wolves and now that a judge has reminded them that their plan sucks they’re digging in even further. Maybe the title of the article should read “GOP governor candidates, Freudenthal say they’ll keep wolves on the Endangered…

  • Change could result in greater protections for Mexican Gray Wolf The USFWS has announced that they will review the status of the Mexican Gray Wolf as an endangered subspecies. The reclassification would require the Service to rewrite their recovery plan and designate critical habitat. Mexican Gray Wolf May Qualify for Endangered Species Protection Separate From…

  • USFWS arbitrarily failed to include vast acreage of lynx habitat as “critical habitat” This is a very important decision for the future of the lynx, which had been added to ESA protection. Molloy rules lynx plan arbitrarily excluded possible ‘critical habitat‘. By Michael Jamison. Missoulian. This is the second go round on the size of…

  • Critical pine in grizzly nutrition is in steep decline. May get endangered listing- Whitebark pine is in dire straights and it may well get on the endangered species list, but what then?  How do you save a tree so beset with disease and insect attacks with an ESA listing? Story in the LA Times. Feds…

  • Tree, important for grizzly bears, affected by global warming, insects, and fungus The whitebark pine is a tree that lives at high elevations and was historically unaffected by pine beetles but due to global warming this has changed. Also, blister rust, an introduced fungal infection has taken a large toll on the trees. The pine…

  • The saga continues After the rediscovery of living specimens, and I’m sure a threat of litigation, the USFWS is taking another look at whether the giant Palouse earthworm deserves protection. Palouse earthworm gets second look for protection.

  • More on the dead Mexican wolves One possibility that might be considered by the investigators is the possibility that those with government issued telemetry equipment may not be using it to kill the wolves but they may be giving the frequencies to those who are. Gray wolf shot in AZ; officials probe use of radio…

  • Rare grizzly living on the Montana plains likely to be killed A grizzly bear that was relocated from near Loma, Montana to west of the Continental Divide last year has been recaptured on the plains of Montana after being accused of killing more sheep and some chickens. Authorities have approached the Bear Center at Washington…

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