
  • The Western Governors’ Association met earlier this month in Colorado to discuss, among other things, plans to oppose federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) protection for Greater sage-grouse and undermine federal conservation laws. The sage-grouse is in grave decline across its range in the western United States, but rather than spend time developing ways to restore…

  • Drones for hunting and for harassment- Drones to stop and catch poachers- Drones for wildlife research- More and more stories appear featuring drones and wildlife. Recently it was revealed that private drones were in use in Zion National Park so that photographers could avoid scaling cliffs and get closeups of the wild sheep on top…

  • The following is a press release from The Western Environmental Law Center. Wildlife advocates’ win forces federal government to prepare long overdue recovery plan for threatened Canada Lynx. Missoula, MT – In a critical win for the rare and elusive Canada lynx, a federal court in Montana found that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s…

  • Many of Cliven Bundy’s supporters in the Bunkerville showdown last weekend were saying things like, “It’s not about the tortoise,” and making the issue of long term trespass into a sign that the U.S. is headed towards fascism under a overreaching regime. But, see, it kind of is about the tortoise. The threatened Mojave desert…

  • Finally a one-place compilation of information- With all the media, much of it with an agenda, covering this story, finally there is a compilation of facts, and text of court cases on the situation. It is in a new Wikipedia article. We imagine Fox News and others in the media are pouring over it right…

  • Increase in State-permitted Fur Trapping Leads to Illegal Trapping of Wild Cat BOISE, Idaho— Three conservation groups initiated a lawsuit today against the Governor of Idaho and other state officials to halt trapping that illegally kills one of the rarest cats in the United States, the Canada lynx. The Center for Biological Diversity, Western Watersheds…

  • Today Idaho’s Governor Otter signed H0470, the Wolf Control Board bill, and H0649, the bill that appropriates $400,000 in general funds to the Board, into law.  The Board will receive additional funds up to $220,000 with $110,000 coming from Idaho Department of Fish and Game and $110,000 coming from the livestock industry for a total of up…

  • Just a week and a half after hearing arguments in a case brought by Idaho Wool Growers Association; American Sheep Industry Association; Public Lands Council; Wyoming Wool Growers Association; Carlson Company, Inc.; Shirts Brothers Sheep; and Colorado Wool Growers Association, against the Payette National Forest’s decision to close 70% of the domestic sheep grazing on the…

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