The next bloody bag of “mystery meat” from overseas could contain a virus that will ravage our native wildlife population or indeed ravage us- “Bush meat” is the name euphemistically given for things killed in the (generally African) “bush,” and consumed by hard pressed natives who either don’t care or can’t be choosy about what…
Years of legal pressure prompts favorable policy change Public land domestic sheep grazers and bighorn advocates have been clashing for decades over land-use conflicts which place bighorn sheep populations at risk of deadly disease. With the passage of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2012, favorable policy change promises new avenues of conflict resolution that may…
The Real ID Act of 2005 set aside all laws that might delay construction of the border wall along Mexico- The hysteria about illegal immigration might have subsided a bit because an effective policy has finally been devised that works better than the great border wall in keeping illegal, undocumented, or whatever you call them out. It…
In May of this year, the US Fish and Wildlife Service proposed creating a Distinct Population Segment (or “DPS”) of wolves in the Great Lakes Region, and removing wolves in this DPS from federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) protections (76 Fed. Reg 26086). The “delisting” of wolves in the Great Lakes was recently discussed in…
Wolf delisting rider and most of the highly unpopular giveaways to polluters and abusers of our public lands are defeated- The conference report on the 2012 appropriations bill for most non-defense expenditures has been finalized. Instead of merely appropriating more or less money for agencies many ideologically loaded amendments or riders were added, mostly by…
Famed physicist advocates new populations of humans be established to avoid our extinction- What? At 7-billion “strong” we need to establish new populations? Yes! Stephen Hawking, the great astrophysicist, recently wrote that humans need to spread into outer space or else. (ABC News). While he didn’t refer to endangered species act, or directly to projects…
U.S./B.C. herd of 50 to finally get critical habitat- Woodland caribou, far more rare than the well known barren ground caribou, have kept a tiny toehold in the United States in the Panhandle of Idaho. Even that sometimes slips and the herd spends its time just to the north in British Columbia. About 600 square…
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals overturns the delisting of Grizzly Bears The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld in part, and overturned in part, a Montana federal district court’s decision maintaining Endangered Species Act protections for Grizzly Bears. Court says Yellowstone grizzlies still threatened – AP The ruling from the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals blocks…