Risch, Crapo, Labrador introduce bill to allow people to defend themselves during grizzly bear attacks — a cynical redundancy! They already can. We knew Idaho’s congressional delegation would try to make hay over the recent death of one of two bear hunters who wounded a grizzly bear, tracked it and was killed when it charged.…
Montana’s U.S. Jon Tester and his 2012 Republican challenger, Rep. Denny Rehberg, are debating which one deserves the most credit for pulling the wolf in Montana off the Endangered Species Act- George Ochenski of the Missoula Independent sees this debate as illustration why 87% of Americans say Congress is doing a terrible job. The dumbest…
Another Solar Development, Another Lost Landscape ? Chris Clarke gives a remarkable account of another landscape that has found its way into the cross-hairs of Solar Developers and Big Green, and of the locals’ abiding love for the land: Solar Energy Development in the Carrizo Plain Draws Lawsuits – KCET – The Back Forty It’s…
Appeals courts says elk feeding is not illegal, but risky- This issue is closely related to the Wyoming wolf plan story because Wyoming just loves feeding elk, and dragging along the federal government to feed them too Conservation groups appealed the loss in their effort to stop elk and bison feeding on the National Elk…
Effort by Idaho Republican to cut all new endangered species listings is stripped out of the critical 2012 Interior Budget Bill- Dicks’ amendment to DOI Appropriations bill in the House passes!! House Appropriations subcommitte chair Mike Simpson of Eastern Idaho figured he had it all lined up to abolish the listing of endangered species by…
Although Columbia Basin Pygmy Rabbits are genetically extinct, the US Fish and Wildlife Service approved interbreeding with Idaho Pygmy Rabbits, which the Obama Administration claims is “not warranted” for ESA protection, in order to maintain as much Columbia Basin Pygmy Rabbit lineage as is possible. Previous attempts to release Pygmy Rabbits have failed. They’ve all just…
Bill to stop listing of new endangered species, mine the Grand Canyon, and let diseased sheep kill off our bighorns is Un-American- IMO, House Republicans are not patriots, nor do they care about wildlife or the future of our environment (except maybe that of the top 2%). Ralph Maughan The Arizona Republic opines on the…