
  • However, turns out there never was such an animal distinct from the Western cougar- The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service this week said  the eastern cougar was extinct, and said it should be taken off the endangered species. However, it turns out most think the Eastern cougar was a distinction that made no difference because…

  • Molloy asked whether the 10(j) rule is even applicable Parties to the lawsuit challenging the changes made to the 10(j) rule for the experimental, non-essential populations of wolves in Central Idaho and the Greater Yellowstone filed their arguments yesterday. At issue now are not the changes made to the 10(j) rule in 2008 which ease…

  • A welcome surprise- High court rejects appeal in spotted owl dispute. “The Supreme Court has decided to let stand a Bush administration designation of 8.6 million acres in four Western states as critical habitat for an endangered owl.” Associated Press.

  • May be violating federal law Today Governor Brian Schweitzer has sent a letter to the Department of Interior stating that Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks will no longer prosecute killing of wolves by landowners defending livestock in northwest Montana, they will kill entire packs upon any livestock depredation, and they will kill entire packs of…

  • Molloy says an “experimental” (10)j wolf population most likely does not exist- Here is the actual text of the judge’s latest wolf decision.  I think he is also saying a valid 10j population has not existed for some time, although he did not resurrect the argument that the original 10j reintroduction was not proper.  Molloy’s…

  • Center for Biological Diversity seeks to return wolves to West Coast, New England, Southern Rockies and Great Plains The Center for Biological Diversity has filed litigation in response to the lack of response to their petition to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to expand protections for wolves across a significant portion of their historical…

  • The LA Times weighs in on western politicians’ effort to deslist Northern Rocky Mountain Wolves by way of legislation: Rocky Mountain Low – LA Times Opinion Editorial The actions of three states and a handful of congressmen seem likely to undermine the return of the gray wolves of the northern Rockies. Even worse, they would set…

  • It shows that Otter never intended to follow IDFG’s management plan. Otter once again shows us that the state never intended to manage wolves with an eye toward science. He always intended to manage for the minimum number identified in the legislative plan and that the IDFG plan was meaningless just as we have always…

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