
  • Tortoise Takes Place in Line For Federal Listing The Sonoran desert tortoise is the next in a long line of imperiled species that the Obama administration’s U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services has determined is “Warranted, but precluded” from the comprehensive federal protections of the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Sonoran desert tortoise now an endangered species…

  • Could be introduced and voted on tonight Northern Rocky Mountain Gray Wolf Recovery and Sustainability Act of 2010 Title: To remove the Northern Rocky Mountain distinct population segment of the gray wolf from the list of threatened species or the list of endangered species published under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, and for other…

  • This article is highly significant now, although it appears an end run might pass the Senate tonight- Wolf Politics and the Endangered Species ‘End Run’. by Virginia Morell on 9 December 2010, 5:16 PM. ScienceInsider.

  • The governors meeting in Las Vegas this week. Okay, so now governors are arguing that the Endangered Species Act should be gutted because swarms of prairie dogs are digging into golf courses. Need I say more? “The frustration level is reaching the breaking point in many levels because of this act,” said Utah Gov. Gary…

  • Schweitzer says talks have broken down, probably for good! According to the story, Idaho and Wyoming would not go along with a deal for a wolf hunt and delisting in Idaho and Montana because they wanted a legislative fix in addition. Montana governor says wolf deal dead. AP in the Bozeman Chronicle.

  • When will this Administration represent the people who put them in office? How many votes do you think this will bring them? And who do they want to do this for? It is turning out that those who are yelling the loudest are poachers and welfare ranchers?  Will they ever vote for him? U.S. wants…

  • Talk about burying the lead, it appears that Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar would back efforts to gut the Endangered Species Act. Ken Salazar met with the governors of Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming yesterday and, while Wyoming remains intransigent on the wolf issue, he appears to have sent the message that he supports a legislative…

  • 187,157 square miles of Alaskan land and (mostly) ocean to be for the bears- U.S. Firms Up ‘Critical Habitat’ for Polar Bears. By Felicity Barringer. The Green Blog in the New York Times. Here is the web page on this from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Dept. of Interior). This is very important, but…

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