
  • Federal Government appeals the wolf ruling- I missed this one but it is important. Everyone knew that the states and many other groups would appeal Judge Molloy’s ruling on wolves but no one was sure whether the Federal Government would appeal the ruling too. Now that question has been answered. State and others file appeal…

  • Salazar Strikes Again, Denying Meaningful Protection for Imperiled Tiny Bunny of the Sagebrush Sea The declining condition of the Sagebrush Sea has been highlighted on a couple of occasions over the past couple of weeks.  In recent Washington state news we learned that jackrabbits in sagebrush habitats are diminishing.  Pygmy rabbits were rejected ESA protections…

  • Death is under investigation The radio collared 2-year-old male of the Wenaha Pack has been killed. It is under USFWS investigation which generally means that it was killed illegally. Protected wolf killed in NE Oregon. Associated Press

  • Michael J. Connor, Ph.D. California Director Western Watersheds Project Secretary of the Interior Salazar is about to initial a series of major giveaways of public lands in California to industrial-scale solar power producers. These “fast-tracked” power plant projects have had truncated environmental reviews in the current administration’s rush to place huge chunks of public land…

  • The ongoing assault on the Sagebrush Sea claims another victim:  Jackrabbits Another animal most commonly considered a pest and valued by the western Cowboy “Custom & Culture” for little more than target-practice, jackrabbits, are disappearing from the landscape: Jack Rabbit Populations Are Under Study In Washington State – OPB News Larson says both black-tail and white-tail jack…

  • Idaho and Montana have submitted proposals to the US Fish and Wildlife Service for approval to kill up to 186 wolves in Montana and up to 80% of the estimated 76 wolves in Idaho’s Lolo hunting zones. Here is the IDFG proposal: IDFG proposes an adaptive strategy to reduce the wolf population in the Lolo…

  • The 2006 Memorandum of Agreement has EXPIRED. The State of Idaho and Wildlife Services have been operating outside of the law since relisting has occurred. It appears that the State of Idaho has no management authority over wolves now that they have been re-listed under the ESA. This is evidenced by the Memorandum of Agreement…

  • Obama’s Abandonment of the West Doug Peacock continues to enrich the debate over grizzlies in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem : Global Warming, Killer Bears? Doug Peacock, Counterpunch Biologists sometimes like to quibble that losing the grizzly because of the collapse of whitebark pine forests may be the least of our ecological worries. Ecosystems are, of…

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