
  • Conservation groups seek endangered species status. Judge tells USFWS to make up their mind quickly- The restoration of the Mexican wolf under the experimental, non-essential rule that guided the restoration of wolves to the Northern Rockies has been a fiasco. Groups want to give the rare wolf fully endangered status, which has more teeth.  USFWS…

  • Do we need an Endangered Ecosystems Act? Many biologists believe we have instigated the 6th great extinction episode in Earth’s history; some estimate the pace of extinction has soared to 100,000 species a year. Renowned paleoanthropologist, Richard Leakey, believes half of the Earth’s species will vanish within 100 years and warns that this die-off could…

  • Although the griz killer might have gotten a slap on the hand, a good precedent was set- When it comes to grizzly bears, a threatened species, you can legally shoot one in self defense. However, the recent  Jackson, WY conviction of a man who shot a grizzly in what he said was self defense shows…

  • Judge Redden said the Bush Plan for salmon wasn’t good enough, Obama thinks it is. Well, here is another example of how the Obama Administration has followed the lead of the Bush Administration on environmental issues. As we can see from the Gulf Oil Spill those policies are literally a disaster. While salmon returns have…

  • Emil McCain pleads guilty to a misdemeanor crime: illegal take of an endangered species- Jaguar trapper guilty. Arizona Daily Star

  • Are we going to see a spike in grizzly deaths due to this new law? The new gun law which allows people to carry guns in National Parks will be put to the test this year as people take to the backcountry of Yellowstone, Grand Teton, and Glacier. Will there be an increase in grizzly…

  • The fish is in serious trouble due to dams on the Lower Snake and Columbia Rivers The Pacific Lamprey had seen drastic declines in population over the last few decades and is quickly becoming a rare sight. Last year it was estimated that only 30,000 crossed Bonneville Dam, down from 350 million to 400 million…

  • Bangs says recovery population goal for wolves in the Northern Rockies was changed- Anti-wolf folks argue that a population goal deal (or promise) was violated by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service when it did not delist wolves in the Idaho, Montana and Wyoming as soon as the states had 300 wolves in total.  Project leader,…

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