
  • Federal government is a year overdue deciding whether to protect the smallest rabbit- Group sues to force decision on pygmy rabbits. By Nicholas K. Geranios. Associated Press Writer

  • Could be the first animal listed as threatened or endangered because of climate change Decision expected tomorrow. Two previous stories on the pika listing process: Formal Protection For Pika Due To Climate Change May 7, 2009 U.S. agrees to consider protections for pikas February 15, 2009 Pika decision could have far-reaching effects By MIKE STARK…

  • Panthera, devoted to conserving wildcats, not thrilled by decision to set aside “critical habitat” for jaguar- In his NYT op-ed piece yesterday,  “Jaguars Don’t Live Here Anymore,” Alan Rabinowitz, head of Panthera, is not thrilled that USFWS has finally decided to start the ESA process of designating critical habitat for the jaguar in the United…

  • Various players reflect on the recent listing of the plant, the ESA, conservationists, and the government- I think this is a big issue for Governor Otter because the plant grows where a lot of his pals graze. I wish so much attention was paid to Idaho’s staggering education education system and all the unemployed people. …

  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has now filed their brief- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, conservation groups file briefs in wolf lawsuit. By Rob Chaney. Missoulian Conservation groups filed their brief (set of or arguments) on Dec. 31. There are other briefs that have been filed as ” friend of the court” (amicus curiae) briefs.…

  • The giant Palouse earthworm can’t be found—yet it’s dividing the Palouse An interesting article about an earthworm that hasn’t been seen more than 4 times in the last 100 years. The Palouse is a region of Northern Idaho and Eastern Washington which was predominated by prairie but is now predominated by winter wheat and other…

  • Focus today, Jan. 12, is on Yellowstone grizzlies after Judge Molloy relisted them- Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee drafts new plan for grizzly bear recovery in Rockies, Cascades. AP More on the meeting: Grizzly panel [IGBC] says it can’t meet judge’s requirements for delisting. By Rob Chaney. The Missoulian. I have been reading this claim ever…

  • Idaho Statesmen is not amused by the governor’s priorities- Our View: Lawsuits: An Idaho growth industry? – Idaho Statesman

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