
  • 833 sockeye made the trip back to the Sawtooth Valley from the ocean this year- This is a great success from the not too distant past when only one salmon returned — “Lonesum Larry” Record sockeye salmon return. By Jon Duval. Idaho Mountain Express Staff Writer

  • IGBC has hard time understanding Judge Molloy ruled against them not because of grizzly mortality, but lack of food for grizzly in the area- Perhaps the bear population could withstand more deaths; and, hey why not acquiesce with what is already happening? Bear bureaucrats could call that “adaptive management.” However, Judge Molloy didn’t relist the…

  • Results of the Yellowstone Grizzly Coordinating Committee meeting Jackson, WY- I think we see the real reason they are upset that the judge relisted the grizzly bear in this statement: “Fremont County [Wyoming] Commissioner Pat Hickerson echoed Schwartz and several other commissioners when he said grizzly bears have begun to expand into areas where their…

  • Plaintiffs (wolf advocates) file Memorandum in Support of Summary Judgment to overturn the Federal Government’s Delisting of Northern Rocky Mountain Wolves For those interested in reading the legal filing submitted yesterday (10/26/09) : Plaintiff’s Memorandum In Support of Motion For Summary Judgment

  • NRA members tell phantasmagorical story to try to gain standing- If this really happened, most people would regard it as the highlight their trip, not the basis of a lawsuit. Three blood dripping wolf packs, driven off by snowballs!  They should be denied standing to intervene. NRA wants to join lawsuit on delisting. By Eve…

  • Study indicates 5000 mature individuals are needed for population viability Conservation Targets Too Small To Stop Extinction RedOrbit This determination could have profound implications for the protection of many species. Many biologists use a number of 2000 individuals in a population for maintenance of viable populations over the long term. In the Northern Rockies the…

  • Greater Yellowstone Coalition’s attorney calls Servheen’s statement to the court “absurd”- The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is asking judge Molloy to reverse his decision to put the Yellowstone area grizzly back on the threatened species list. The coordinator of the federal grizzly recovery program, Chris Servheen, controversial long-time coordinator of the Yellowstone grizzly record…

  • State, feds take a fresh look at once-rejected protections- Endangered-species lists may be broadened. State, feds take a fresh look at once-rejected protections. By Bruce Finley. The Denver Post Recent stories on the blog have indicated this is happening. This article puts it all together. Many of these are continuing “gifts” from disgraced Bush deputy…

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