
  • State game agency says grizzlies will find something else to eat even though whitebark pine are mostly dead- State: Bears doing well. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole Daily. “Game and Fish officials acknowledged that mountain pine beetle activity continues at relatively high levels and many whitebark pine trees have died. But they said bears usually…

  • Rare plant will receive protection across its entire range. WESTERN WATERSHEDS PROJECT NEWS RELEASE October 1, 2009 Contact: Todd Tucci, Advocates for the West (208) 342-7024 Jon Marvel, Western Watersheds Project (208) 788-2290 Katie Fite, Western Watersheds Project (208) 429-1679 SCIENCE FINALLY TRUMPS POLITICS IN PROTECTING RARE DESERT FLOWER Boise, Idaho – Conservation groups applauded…

  • USFWS agrees to make this very rare and declining fish a candidate species for the list- Court action by 4 conservation organizations are responsible for this late turn of events for this beautiful (former) sports fish now down to just one or two streams. This is another species earlier denied protection by the bullying tactics…

  • Agency officials downplay impact- Agencies to allow for bear status. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press Judge Molloy put the Yellowstone area bears back on the threatened species list because all their food sources are jeopardized.  Brian Kelly, Fish and Wildlife Service Wyoming field supervisor was quoted in the article above, “The basic message is that…

  • GYE grizzly bears go back on the threatened species list- Molloy: Feds must restore protection for grizzly bears in Yellowstone National Park – By Matthew Brown. Associated Press. The successful plaintiff was the Greater Yellowstone Coalition. There is a second lawsuit filed in Idaho by a number of other conservation groups. It was assigned to…

  • Calls Dam Breaching a “Last Resort” “The administration’s passing reference to dam breaching as a ‘contingency of last resort’ defers all necessary economic, infrastructure and other studies, making this ‘contingency’ an illusion,” said Samuel N. Penney, the chairman of the Nez Perce American Indian Tribe, which has traditionally fished the Columbia. New Federal Plan for…

  • Wolf Advocates filed this motion in Montana District Court today : Plaintiffs’ Motion for Expedited Merits Briefing Update. Newspaper story on this: Wolf advocates won’t appeal court decision allowing hunts in Idaho, Montana. By Rob Chaney. The Missoulian

  • How Many Biologists Does It Take to Count a Dead Grizzly? Adrea Peacock adapts an essay from In the Presence of Grizzlies: The Ancient Bond Between Men and Bears by Doug and Andrea Peacock, The Lyons Press 2009 : Bearly Making It – via CounterPunch On December 17, 2004, Louisa Willcox of the Natural Resources…

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