
  • The delisting of the Grizzly Bear is being challenged in two district courts.  Bear advocates point to the tenuous food supply given global warming and the high mortality rate of bears shot by hunters.  Settlement talks were pursued to see if the all the parties could work out the differences.  That didn’t happen so it’s…

  • Salazar cites failure to provide adequate Endangered Species Act consultations as on the forefront of his decision to scrap attempts to log BLM land in Oregon. Obama Admin Scraps Logging Plan in Ore. Carbon Sinks – New York Times The move scraps a Bush-era decision to rezone 2.6 million acres of Bureau of Land Management…

  • WWP expands action into Colorado Western Watersheds Project filed suit in Federal Court in Denver, Colorado to stop a 250,000 acre grazing project located on Colorado’s Pike-San Isabel National Forest. […]The grazing has been so severe that the Forest Service’s wildlife specialists stated that if it didn’t change, the Forest Service was risking a widespread…

  • How will this affect the wolves of the Northern Rockies? RM Press Release. Humane Society of the United States Center for Biological Diversity Court-ordered Settlement Restores Endangered Species Act Protections to Great Lakes Wolves – – – – – – – Update: Great Lakes wolves returning to endangered list By JOHN FLESHER Associated Press Update,…

  • Idaho population continues to plummet. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has received more time to make their decision about whether the greater sage grouse will be listed as a endangered or threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. If listing occurs there could be profound changes in how vast areas of public lands are…

  • Earth Justice scores a victory for the wolverine and the Endangered Species Act- Administration’s new, cramped view of the ESA that a species doesn’t need protection in the United States even though its population is very low and declining if there are some in Canada, Mexico, or wherever. Agency to reconsider wolverine status. By Susan…

  • Friends,  We did our best, but these Foresters in Washington state are well-schooled in The Way of the Bureaucrat.  Despite the sole known Washington wolf pack’s rendezvous site being at the best, most available water source for public land cattle on the unit, livestock described by Don Johnson as looking feeble and “like bait”, the Okanogan-Wenatchee National…

  • For immediate release – June 1, 2009 Tortoise Goes to Court: Groups File Lawsuit Against Feds for Failing to Answer Request for Federal Protection Contacts: Nicole Rosmarino, Ph.D., WildEarth Guardians, 505-699-7404 Michael Connor, Ph.D., Western Watersheds Project, 818-345-0425 Arizona—June 1. Today, Western Watersheds Project and WildEarth Guardians filed suit in federal court in Arizona against…

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