
  • Sierra Club and others file lawsuit- The recent designation of more critical habitat for the recovery of the lynx was another response to Julie MacDonald’s political meddling during the Bush Administration. The major remaining point of contention is the desired addition of Colorado where a state-funded lynx restoration project that brought lynx in from Canada,…

  • Documents and e-mails suggest state may have lacked authority to take cat Could the capture and subsequent death of the only wild jaguar in the U.S. by Arizona Game and Fish have been illegal? Permit for jaguar’s capture questioned ARIZONA DAILY STAR

  • Dam breaching an option to protect salmon, a U.S. District judge says – Idaho Stateman It’s looking like judges, relatively speaking,  are more apt to uphold the law and insist that the right thing be done, even when both parties feel it more politically prudent to try to wiggle around it.   Too bad we can’t…

  • Meanwhile captive bison killing each other due to competition for food. Sarah Palin wants a 10j rule classifying reintroduced bison as experimental non-essential so that development of their habitat can go forward unimpeded. Ruling might put wood bison back in Nenana Basin despite natural gas hunt Newsminer

  • Leading Utah newspaper praises Western Watershed’s massive lawsuit- Saving sage grouse. Judge is right to allow lawsuit. Tribune Editorial

  • It’s Time to Put the Great Bear Back on the Endangered Species List Doug Peacock writes a compelling – and moving – essay in support of restoring ESA protections to the Yellowstone Grizzly : The Fate of the Yellowstone Grizzly – Counterpunch The Yellowstone grizzly bear population is once again in serious trouble. During 2008,…

  • Snowmobile tracks aid the survival of predatory competitors of lynx in deep snow- Snowmobile groups sue to set aside the improved designation of lynx habitat. By Ben Neary. Seattle Post-Intelligencer. AP They are saying that more environmental analysis is needed. Some conservation groups are suing too, saying not enough habitat was set aside. It is…

  • Decision shocks environmentalists, brings glee to the hearts of industry responsible for climate change The Obama Administration upheld Bush’s industry-friendly, obstructionist interpretation of the Endangered Species Act when Obama’s rancher Interior Secretary, Ken Salazar, issued a decision refusing to consider ESA regulation of carbon emissions, the chief threat to the listed Polar Bear. No global…

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