
  • FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Press contact: Josh Mogerman at 312-651-7909 (office) or 773-853-5384 (mobile) Conservation Groups Bring Wolf Fight Back Into Court NRDC and Twelve Groups fight decision to remove Northern Rocky Mountain wolves from Endangered Species List LIVINGSTON, Mont. (April 1, 2009) -The long fight over wolves in the Northern Rockies continued today when the…

  • Defenders of Wildlife and the Center for Biological Diversity score big victory for the big cat- This could mean that critical habitat for the jaguar will have to be established in the United States and even a reintroduction. U.S. District Court judge orders new review for jaguar habitat. By Arthur H. Rotstein. AP in the…

  • Group calls for the arrest and prosecution of the suspects- Two of the members of Washington State’s first known wolf pack have been killed by poachers. The suspected poachers are known and live in Twisp, Washington. The wolf pack lives outside of the area where the federal government is trying to delist wolves. They are…

  • Jaguar court fight centers on habitat. By Tony Davis. Arizona Daily Star Can the jaguar be recovered in the United States or must efforts be focused further to the south? – – – – – – Michael Robinson on the lawsuit for a recovery plan and critical habitat for the jaguar. Center for Biological Diversity…

  • Critical habitat expanded from 1,841 square miles to 39,000. Julie MacDonald was involved in limiting lynx critical habitat to areas they already existed. Charges of meddling at FWS lead to expanded lynx habitat New York Times Thanks to Virginia for pointing this story out.

  • Maybe Condors Can Survive Afterall As many recall there was a vigorous discussion here last week about the possibility of reestablishing California Condors to the Columbia Basin and Hells Canyon based on historical accounts and recent biological evidence. One of the issues brought up in the discussion was the lead bullet issue. When game is…

  • Small Wyoming gopher only exists in a small area where it is outnumbered by oil wells. Endangered or threatened? Feds review pocket gopher protection request Casper Star Tribune

  • “Boulder Bunnies” or “Rock Rabbits” are Under Threat from Global Warming U.S. agrees to consider protections for pikas San Francisco Chronicle “Surveys in the Great Basin show that more than one-third of the populations are disappearing”

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