
  • Could California Condors Soar the Skies of Oregon Again? David B. Moen is searching for evidence that might indicate that condors once inhabited Hells Canyon.  There is already evidence that they once bred in the Columbia Gorge and even farther north into British Columbia.  Is Oregon and Hells Canyon still suitable habitat for recovery? Chasing the…

  • He can undo some with a stroke of a pen. Others could stand or be modified. Some will take years of rule-making- “Salazar to revisit recent Interior Department actions. The department’s new chief will review many of the energy and environmental decisions made in the waning days of the Bush administration.”  By Jim Tankersley. LA…

  • This loss highlights the importance of genetic interchange and landscape-level habitat preservation The Columbia Basin pygmy rabbit has been listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act but efforts to restore the bunny have been unsuccesful.  Even efforts at maintaining as much of the Columbia Basin ancestory/gene by interbreeding with Idaho pygmy rabbits are not…

  • Lawsuits and congressional action are likely to void the gutting of section 7 of ESA- This has already been reported in the comments on one of the threads here;  but for everyone this is what has happened. California filed suit to overturn the Bush/Kempthorne diminishment of section 7 consultation. Congress is right now moving to…

  • Says his consulting business will deal with “Western Issues”- Larry Craig and his chief of staff considering consulting business. By Jim Snyder. The Hill. Craig says he wants to concentrate on enforcement of the ESA.

  • Today is the 35th anniversary of the ESA. Michael J. Robinson wrote the essay below for this forum- Thirty five years ago today, on December 28, 1973, President Richard M. Nixon signed into law the Endangered Species Act, intended not just to stave off extinction, but more broadly to conserve the ecosystems on which endangered…

  • Julie MacDonald interfered with every ESA decision for political reasons- A high-ranking Interior Department official tainted nearly every decision made on the protection of endangered species over five years, a new inspector general report finds, concluding she exerted improper political interference on many more rulings than previously thought. Julie MacDonald was deputy assistant secretary of…

  • Wildlife groups go to court instantly, but new regs could stick for a while- Rule Eases a Mandate Under a Law on Wildlife. By Felicity Barringer. New York Times. Kempthorne of course is lying when he is saying the new ESA regs are to prevent the misuse of the ESA by turning it into a…

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