
  • Action by major group taken on the critical habitat pine tree we have discussed so much- A Petition To List The Whiteibark Pine, Pinus Albicaulis, As An Endangered Species Under The Endangered Species Act. Dec. 8, 2008. pdf file Sylvia Fallon’s blog from NRDC. The Reign of Whitebark Pine- – – – – – more…

  • Ranch, gas interests had hoped Kempthorne would influence the results of “status review” on the disappearing bird- I know that by last May Western Watersheds Project and Advocates for the West had pretty much figured out that the matter would go to the next Administration. Of course the Bushies had hoped to ram it through.…

  • Maybe we won’t have to wait for Obama- This would be incredible! Dems eye midnight regulations reversal. By Eria Lovely and Ryan Gram. Politico.

  • How Bush made a mockery of the nation’s environmental laws and values — and what Obama must do to get us back on track- Story in (Salon Magazine). By Katharine Mieszkowski The article doesn’t just speak of Bush sin, but how Obama can redeem on the environment.

  • Hunter shoots a Montana grizzly sow, charging to protect cub. Her death one too many for the year- The other day I predicted that the mortality limit for the year would be passed. It was unfortunately an easy prediction. About 10% of the grizzly population has died or been killed this year. If this happens…

  • This is a surprise, for sure. What does it mean? Kempthorne announces federal bison initiative. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole News and Guide. It seems to me that on the basis of what JB and others have commented here, that this plan (assuming it to be real) could withstand a petition for putting the bison…

  • Wyoming is the biggest thorn in the delisters side- As folks pretty much all know, the Bush Administration, mostly likely at the initiative of Secretary Kempthone and cronies, is trying for one last quick stab at delisting the wolf before a new President replaces them. If folks work hard, they will probably be defeated again;…

  • More grizzly bear deaths. Mortality quota exceeded for male and female bears in Greater Yellowstone- States can’t manage grizzlies and they should be relisted- Two grizzly bear cubs shot in NW Wyoming. AP. Oct. 27 The brief article doesn’t mention the ESA implications, but my earlier post certainly leads to the conclusion that both male…

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