
  • Given a situation like this in the most problematic state — Wyoming — what does this say about delisting? This article covers some of the same ground as my ealier report on the current situation with the Yellowstone Park wolves. In fact we don’t even know that the decline is limited to the Park boundaries.…

  • That didn’t take long – and it comes on the hip of troubling news about population numbers in general in the Northern Rockies – and even the recent sobering news about Yellowstone’s wolves.  I guess they figure they better jam this thing into gear before the next administration –  I don’t remember seeing any news about Wyoming having…

  • Obama has already said he will void it (but that is not always easy to do)- Feds Rush To Ease Endangered Species Rules. 15 reviewers, 200,000 comments, 32 hours to go through all of them. by Dina Cappiello. Common Dreams.

  • Beware, the long nightmare is not over yet- The New York Times describes and warns of anti-public land and anti-conservation actions underway or contemplated by the worst Administration in American history (my view) in their last 2 1/2 months in office. Last-Minute Mischief. Editorial by the New York Times. – – – – – Examples…

  • US Fish and Wildlife Service still hopes to delist, and fairly soon- Wolves put back on endangered list. Federal officials hope to return animal to state control by ’09. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press Ed Bangs and crew are saying they will revamp the delisting rules so they can pass muster by Judge Molloy. However,…

  • Since 1987 population has declined by 51%-Western Watersheds Project and WildEarth Guardians petition for ESA status and the designation of critical habitat  News story in the Arizona Daily Star. Endangered status sought for Sonoran Desert tortoise. By Tony Davis Here is the news release from the petitioners- – – – – – – Federal Protection…

  • ESA suit on wolverines- The Bush//Kemphthorne Interior Dept. of course rejected the petition to list the wolverine. The evidence is that the decision was made at high levels of Interior, not at the scientific level. Is anyone surprised? So sue the bastards again. Lawsuit seeks Species Act protection for wolverine. By Susan Gallagher. Associated Press.…

  • As most of you are aware, this is produced by Idaho Fish and Game Dept. There is more actual news in this one, including a new population estimate that shows Idaho’s wolf population up slightly compared to last year’s “end of the year” — official — report. In this report and others, it is becoming…

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