
  • Good news for wolves keeps rolling out. The Great Lakes wolves have won reprieve in federal court, preventing the Bush’s Fish and Wildlife Service’s (FWS) attempt to delist: Court rules against U.S. in Great Lakes wolf case – AP

  • Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin Wins Center for Biological Diversity’s 2008 Rubber Dodo Award “Governor Palin has waged a deceptive, dangerous, and costly battle against the polar bear,” said Kieran Suckling, executive director of the Center for Biological Diversity. “Her position on global warming is so extreme, she makes Dick Cheney look like an Al…

  • It’s official, FWS has made the request to pull it’s decision to delist : Feds ask to put wolves back on endangered list – AP It’s looking like there will be a whole new public comment period in the future.

  • Deal reached on Kootenai sturgeon. By Nicholas K. Geranios.  Associated Press Writer The huge and long-lived sturgeon have not been able to spawn successfully in the Kootenai RIver since the Libby Dam was finished way back in the 1970s.

  • A last-minute rewrite of Endangered Species Act regulations is rash and futile. Editorial by the Idaho Statesman. This rewrite, or gutting of the Act, is going to disappear if the right candidate wins the presidency.

  • The trapping season on this rare, probably endangered animal, will continue this winter in Montana, the only state with a season on wolverine. There are only about 500 wolverine in the lower 48 states. The Bush/Kempthorne Interior Department rejected endangered species status based on their highly   questionable legal notion that a species can’t be…

  • Kempthorne’s ridiculous ESA reform proposal is uniformly disdained by environmentalists.  He claims it’ll help “streamline” the process.  Sorta like “streamlining” the dodo. Proposed reform to Endangered Species Act gets cool response Rocky Barker – Idaho Statesman I’ll bet that process would be a whole lot more efficient if these political appointees spent half the time on enforcement as they…

  • Three poisons that cleared the EPA are found to threaten the recovery of 28 threatened or endangered salmon stocks: Fisheries Service Finds Three Pesticides Imperil West Coast Salmon – Media Newswire This news comes right on the hind end of Bush Interior’s attempt to sidestep outside science with endangered species act decisions (Bush to relax…

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