
  • In Montana, bison plan paused. Ranchers and conservationists are increasingly at odds, as Yellowstone herd numbers plunge. By Todd Wilkinson. Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor. Actually, I think the genetically pure bison is now in danger of extinction and should be added to the endangered species list.

  • Wolf arguments go to judge. By Beb Neary. Associated Press writer

  • The Government Accountability Office released a report finding that politicization of endangered species decisions within the government is more widespread than Julie MacDonald. Press Release Center for Biological Diversity: The report concluded that six of the eight species that have been delisted under the Bush administration had not met goals established in their recovery plan…

  • Earlier we noted Secretary of Interior, Dirk Kempthorne’s decision to list the Polar Bear as a threatened species.  Kempthorne was spreading around the idea that the ESA was not intended to regulate greenhouse gases, the principle threat affecting polar bear habitat. Now, we learn of the “4(d) rule”, a waiver of protections normally afforded species…

  • The oil & gas and livestock industries continue to feel the pressure from land use agencies as the evidence piles up indicating that these extractive uses of our public lands are significantly contributing to the precipitous decline in sage grouse numbers. Sage grouse are described as the “spotted owl” of the ranching industry in the…

  • The state of Wyoming has submitted briefs to Judge Molloy’s court rejecting a broad coalition of conservation and animal rights groups’ request for an injunction of the decision to delist wolves in the Northern Rocky Mountains. Wyo argues against relisting – Star Tribune Once more, the state avoids mentioning the precipitous nature of the wolf…

  • By now you’ve likely heard that the Bush Administration has listed polar bears in Kempthorne’s first listing since taking his position : Kempthorne makes tough call on polar bear listing – Idaho Statesman Call me a cynic, but it seems to me likely the Bush Administration decides to list the bear now rather than kick…

  • Judge appears to tip his hand in wolf lawsuit. Letters from the West. Idaho Statesman. Barker speculates that the death of wolf 253 could play a key role in the great delisting lawsuit. In way of correction or perhaps addition, there were many stories about 253 before and after the piece by Louisa Willcox. I…

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