
  • Government denies protected status for wolverines in mainland U.S. By John Cramer of the Missoulian. From the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. . . “Enviros are most worried that the Bushies now appear to be saying they don’t have to protect animals inside U.S. borders if lots of them are living in Canada or Mexico. Defenders of Wildlife…

  • U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service has wanted to back out of a court mediated deal to conduct and complete a “status review” on the sage grouse by May 2009. A status review looks at the the scientific literature to see if adding a species to the endangered or threatened species list is warranted. Earlier…

  • This is a great improvement over their first proposal, which was pathetic, and, once again, this new proposal was strongly influenced by the effect of disgraced Julie MacDonald, the deputy assistant secretary of Interior who was far too friendly with industry lobbyists. So many species have advanced, although not yet to the final stage since…

  • U.S. to reconsider prairie dog status. By Clair Johnson. Billings Gazette. Once again there is more endangered species fallout from the corrupt reign of Jule MacDonald’s period as a Deputy Assistant Secretary at the Department of Interior. A status review will begin for the white tailed prairie dog.

  • Below is the news release. These folks seem to win or make a favorable settlement on a lawsuit almost every day. Ralph Maughan —————— For Immediate Release, February 21, 2008Contacts: Lisa Belenky, Center for Biological Diversity, (415) 385-5694 (cell) Katie Fite, Biodiversity Director, Western Watersheds Project, (208) 429-1679 Mark Salvo, Director, Sagebrush Sea Campaign, WildEarth…

  • You can imagine how the livestock industry feels about protecting pygmy rabbits . . . they aren’t game, you can’t raise them in pens and sell them. What good are they? Pygmy rabbits try to hold on. Diminutive rodent species considered for federal ESA listing. By Jason Kauffman. Idaho Mountain Express Staff Writer

  • As expected, a number of conservation groups have filed a lawsuit in the Montana federal district court to set aside the new 10j rule on wolves in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming that was just published. They are Jackson Hole Conservation Alliance, Defenders of Wildlife, Natural Resources Defense Council,  Sierra Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Humane…

  • This is from a special section of the New York Times today regarding the new 10j rule. Howling Over Federal Plan to Expand Wolf Killing. By Andrew C. Revkin. The article’s author gets credit for writing “In a news release, the Fish and Wildlife Service said the states needed more flexibility to allow them to…

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