Western Watersheds Project

  • Representative Jared Huffman (D-CA, 2nd Dist.) has joined Rep. Rob Bishop (R-Utah), notable anti-wildlife anti-public lands radical, to make dairies the goal of the national seashore where they exist inside this popular unit of the National Parks System. Point Reyes National Seashore, CA –  This week, Representative Jared Huffman (D-CA, 2nd Dist.) joined Rep. Rob Bishop…

  • The 55,990 acre San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area (SPRNCA) south of Tucson, Arizona has one of the most intact riparian cottonwood gallery and mesquite bosque forests left in the Southwest. It is a precious gem threatened by the BLM’s new management proposal that would make 26,000 acres available to livestock grazing and does not…

  • News Release Western Watersheds Project Wild Earth Guardians July 25, 2018 DUBOIS, ID.  The USDA has released a long-awaited decision on the fate of the agency’s controversial Idaho Sheep Experiment Station, an aging facility that conducts research benefitting private domestic sheep producers at the expense of taxpayers and native wildlife. Under this decision, management of the facility…

  • I wrote this in response to an editorial by Mr. Oberueller in Wyoming File.  You can see the original editorial at https://www.wyofile.com/public-lands-initiative-deserves-praise-for-collaboration/ The WPLI is an attempt to garner local agreement on the fate of federal BLM and Forest Service Wilderness Study Areas. These federal lands are managed to retain their potential suitability for future designation…

  • The Proposed Plan of the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area is Announced The Bureau of Land Management intends to reopen much of the protected area to cattle grazing TUCSON, Arizona— This morning, the Bureau of Land Management released a long-awaited draft plan for managing the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area (SPRNCA), signaling its…

  • Feds Failed to Fully Assess Risks of Killing Thousands of Animals a Year in Idaho. Wildlife Services Ignored Science, Public and Expert Agency Concerns BOISE, Idaho— In a powerful rebuke, a federal judge ruled a U.S. agency that kills thousands of animals a year in Idaho failed to adequately analyze the environmental risks of shooting,…

  • DID YOU KNOW? The U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has funneled $10,381,534 in taxpayer money for the Montana Dept. of Livestock to enforce Mont. Code Ann. § 81-2-120. Wildlife biologists recognize wild buffalo are vulnerable to “extinction or extirpation” in Montana and are listed as a species of concern.  The…

  • by Erik Molvar, Western Watersheds Project The Trump administration has just launched a process to dismantle the greater sage-grouse land-use plan amendments that were put in place in 2015 to avert an Endangered Species listing for the bird. The emerging consensus is that this move undermines wildlife conservation, and represents yet another attack on science,…

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