Western Watersheds Project

  • by Erik Molvar, Western Watersheds Project On Monday, President Trump took his first trip to Utah to sign a proclamation gutting the Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments to make way for drilling, mining, and other commercial exploitation fundamentally incompatible with protecting fragile and priceless treasures. In his speech before an invitation-only crowd of…

  • Conservation groups win injunction in Sheep Experiment Station grazing lawsuit BOISE, Ida. – A federal court in Idaho blocked domestic sheep grazing in bighorn habitat on the Caribou-Targhee National Forest yesterday, ruling that the risk to the South Beaverhead Mountains bighorn sheep population from deadly disease  outweighs any possible benefit to the government-run grazing operation.…

  • For immediate release 10/17/17 Media contacts: Scott Lake, Western Watersheds Project (208) 429-1679 Laurie Rule, Advocates for the West (503) 914-6388 Sarah McMillan, WildEarth Guardians (406) 549-3895 Lawsuit Filed Today to Protect Idaho Bighorn Sheep from Deadly Diseases Idaho’s bighorns threatened by government sheep grazing at experiment station Boise, ID – Environmental groups filed a lawsuit today against the Caribou-Targhee…

  • By Erik Molvar, Western Watersheds Project Dr. Edward O. Wilson, one of the world’s foremost ecologists and thinkers, will be in Washington, D.C. next week for a series of presentations on migration corridors in the United States and the diversity of life across the globe. This is part of Dr. Wilson’s ‘Half-Earth’ campaign, a proposal…

  • By Erik Molvar, Western Watersheds Project and Val Cecama-Hogsett, Citizens Against Equine Slaughter When Erik Molvar of Western Watersheds Project (WWP) and Val Cecama-Hogsett of Citizens Against Equine Slaughter (CAES) met at a law conference in the spring of 2016, they had differing views of wild horses but they also had one clear common goal:…

  • Stale data, failure to improve poor habitat conditions doom grazing project For immediate release, August 1, 2017 Media contact: Greta Anderson, Western Watersheds Project (520) 623-1878; greta@westernwatersheds.org BOISE, Ida. – Today, in a sharply worded rebuke to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), an administrative law judge granted Western Watersheds Project’s appeal of a 2013 grazing permit…

  • By Erik Molvar The newly-signed settlement between environmentalists, ranchers, and the National Park Service puts Point Reyes on the path to resolving conflicts between private livestock and public wildlife on the National Seashore. It requires a forthcoming planning process, during which the public can hold the Park Service to its obligation to manage these lands…

  • When the new draft recovery plan for Mexican wolves (Canis lupus baileyi), a.k.a. lobos, came out at the end of June, there were immediate concerns about the scuttling of science that resulted in the Service cutting population targets and habitat goals for the species. Some of those concerns were covered in an earlier TWN post here.…

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