
  • News article reports praises from all quarters- I suspect he is not so popular as the AP* article below indicates. New federal BLM chief nominated. The Associated Press. The BLM directorship is not a simple appointment position. Abbey must be confirmed by the U.S. Senate where holds and filibusters increasingly hold sway. – – –…

  • Jeanne Bulgin defends Dr. Marie Bulgin UI prof daughter: Sheep research wasn’t suppressed Associated Press This story raises some obvious questions. The first being, if she knew that her mother Dr. Marie Bulgin was testifying that there was no evidence that domestic sheep diseases were transmitted to bighorn sheep in the wild before Federal judges,…

  • Dr. Marie Bulgin’s daughter was involved with the unpublished study of the 1994 incidents. “Dr. Bulgin distorts the scientific facts to support her one-sided views as an advocate of the domestic sheep industry,” wrote William Foreyt, a Washington State University professor, in a May 5 letter to the Idaho Senate, which this year passed legislation…

  • Earth Justice scores a victory for the wolverine and the Endangered Species Act- Administration’s new, cramped view of the ESA that a species doesn’t need protection in the United States even though its population is very low and declining if there are some in Canada, Mexico, or wherever. Agency to reconsider wolverine status. By Susan…

  • It’s a big beautiful state, but Palin is hardly protecting its citizens- Northern Exposure. New Republic by by Sheila Kaplan and Marilyn Berlin Snell

  • Salazar’s concession to Utah’s Senator Bennett to allow Hayes to be confirmed number two at Interior doesn’t turn out like the Senator wanted- Enviros cheer, critics jeer report on ‘flawed’ oil leases. Bishop » Utah congressman calls it “crap,” Bennett is conciliatory. By Thomas Burr. The Salt Lake Tribune. From my perspective this dust-up turned…

  • If tests find he had pneumonia others may be killed as well. The bighorn which interacted with domestic sheep on private property near Riggins, Idaho has been killed. During the last 3 1/2 weeks it is know to have had contact with 11 other bighorn rams which may be killed as well if tests determine…

  • Cites political interference from the Idaho Legislature. The Idaho Conservation League has become the second group to resign from the BHS/DS Advisory Group. The first was the Nez Perce Tribe who cited the same reasons for resigning.  Currently the Group is suspended while the Idaho Fish and Game and the sheep permitees develop “best management…

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