
  • More wilderness, please.  Oregon still lags behind other Northwest states. Register-Guard. Yes! but no cow Wilderness, please!

  • One, possibly more, bighorn sheep to be killed. Update 5/31/09: It gets worse. Sick, wandering bighorn trailed near Salmon River. Idaho Statesman. A bighorn sheep ram has interacted with domestic sheep on private property upriver from Riggins, Idaho and is reported to be sick. It is now associated with several other bighorn sheep. IDFG officials…

  • Obama begins to put his imprint on the much litigated “roadless rule”- Bill Schneider at New West has followed the long battle of what was originally Bill Clinton’s roadless rule for the national forests.  Today the Obama Administration made its first move. Schneider tells the story in New West. Vilsack Takes Over Roadless Rule. “After…

  • The President visited projects done the right way- These projects were near a load center and built on degraded land. I wonder if he thinks this is the way most Nevada projects will be, or whether he simply did a cynical PR ploy? Obama said. “We’ll invest in the development and deployment of solar technology…

  • Sierra Club and others file lawsuit- The recent designation of more critical habitat for the recovery of the lynx was another response to Julie MacDonald’s political meddling during the Bush Administration. The major remaining point of contention is the desired addition of Colorado where a state-funded lynx restoration project that brought lynx in from Canada,…

  • Buffalo Field Campaign Yellowstone Bison Update from the Field May 21, 2009 —————————— —————————— In this issue: * Update from the Field * Complain to FAA About the DOL’s Helicopter Use * Traditional Prayer Ceremony on Horse Butte May 31 * Join BFC on the Front Lines * Thank You! BFC’s Media Crew Receives Laptops…

  • Collaborative effort to save public lands domestic sheep grazing suspended in favor of a more closed process mandated by the Legislature and the Governor. The Governor, Legislators, and sheepmen apparently didn’t like the direction the Bighorn Sheep/Domestic Sheep Advisory Group was headed so the whole effort was scuttled…… for now. Many of the groups participating…

  • Democrat Echohawk comes from era when Democrats had near parity with Republicans in Idaho State government- Larry Echohawk, a member of the Pawnee tribe, has just become head of the troubled Bureau of Indian Affairs in the Department of Interior. Now teaching  at Brigham Young University, as a Democrat he was an Idaho State Senator,…

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