
  • Homer Wilkes, not what conservationists hoped for- We ran this news earlier, but now David Frey at New West has a comprehensive article on the nomination. HOMER WHO? Obama Stuns with Forest Service Nominee. “With little forest credentials, is Wilkes the right man to oversee the Forest Service?” By David Frey. New West.

  • Pathbreaking book about agri-business dropped from Freshmen Reading program- Wazoo (Washington State University in Pullman) has a common reading program every year for freshmen. This is a growing practice at universities, but Michael Pollan’s look at how our food is produced in an unsustainable manner (oil and corn) seems to have been too controversial for…

  • Some concessions to Robert Bennett (R-Utah) on oil and gas leases was needed- Here is the story. Senate GOP releases hold on Interior nominee. Politico. Salazar probably had to agree to look into offering tghe oil and gas leases next to the national parks that the courts and he had killed. Grrrrr. The New York…

  • “The 137-year-old law is a legacy of a bygone era in the West” Folks have been trying to change this law my entire life and long before that. Will this be the year? If so, how much can it be changed? The Oregonian thinks change is now politically possible. The 1872 Act has long been…

  • Back East, things aren’t looking much better for the environment- See below Obama’s EPA clears 42 of 48 New Mountaintop Removal Mining Permits CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The Obama administration has cleared more than three-dozen new mountaintop removal permits for issuance by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, drawing quick criticism from environmental groups who had hoped…

  • The importance of this feature article is how irrelevant the governor and the rural dominated legislature are to the economic well being of most Idahoans- Free Fall’s Over, but Where Are We Landing? By Peter S. Goodman. New York Times. This article is a bit unusual for this blog, but a continuing theme here is…

  • “Meet the new boss..same as the old boss” ?  Many of us hoped that with a new Department of Justice (DOJ), many of the most contentious and important environmental disputes governing environmental issues now held in the courts might be settled with a greater regard for this nation’s existing  environmental laws – that’d mean progress.…

  • Prosecutors ask federal court to block climate-change defense- Prosecutor is afraid of a jury. By Patty Henetz. The Salt Lake Tribune

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