
  • Just introduced today. A new bill was introduced this morning which appears to replace SB 1175.  The bill is virtually identical to SB 1175 except for the following changes: S1232 F&G, bighorn sheep relocation (E) The Idaho department of fish and game: (1) shall develop a state management plan to maintain a viable, self-sustaining population…

  • Is SB1175 a way to stall so that “research” can be done? More bighorn ‘the Earth is flat’ madness : Otter must decide bighorn issue by Saturday – Rocky Barker – Letters from the West, Idaho Statesman What he and other sheep ranchers really want is more research to determine not only if disease is spread from…

  • House Natural Resources Committee has hearing on the ultimate Wilderness bill for the Northern Rockies- While collaborationism puts the local political power structure first in determining the use of America’s public lands, NREPA does the opposite. It puts the national interest first. This Congress is the first real chance that it could pass. Bill Schneider…

  • If Otter signs the bill, many think it will kill more than bighorn sheep- It seems the preponderance of views in this forum is against collaboration in the Northern Rockies because it doesn’t work to really protect the outdoors and wildlife. Nevertheless, sitting down, holding hands, and talking has a lot or verbal support among…

  • If SB1175 is signed into law collaborative group may collapse Today there was meeting of the Idaho Bighorn Sheep/Domestic Sheep Advisory Group which ended early due to concerns of various groups about how Senate Bill 1175 will affect what the group does. At the present time SB1175 is awaiting Governor Otter’s signature or veto and…

  • Stimulus package gives the national parks a rare pot of money- Despite how Americans love their national parks, this rarely translates into appropriations. While an big increase in appropriations is still needed, this is a significant event, which, according to the article, will also create many jobs. National parks to get $750 million today. By…

  • Anti-Wolf Group Spreads Message in Idaho Falls. By Danielle Grant, Local News 8 Reporter

  • Governor “Butch” Otter is upset that the Idaho legislature won’t increase revenue for state highways and has reacted by vetoing 10 bills.  One of those bills on the chop block, Senate Bill No. 1177, would have slipped $200,000 into the Depredation Control Fund : In accordance with the provisions of Section 36111(c), Idaho Code, the…

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