
  • New Democrats clear away over 40 years of Conservative rule- Alberta has never really elected a clearly left wing party, but did so yesterday with a vengeance.  Populist yes in the past, e.g, the Social Credit Party, but not a left-wing party. Voters gave the left wing New Democrats (NDP) a large parliamentary majority (53…

  • “Voluntary adherence to an ethical code elevates the self-respect of the sportsman, but it should not be forgotten that voluntary disregard of the code degenerates and depraves him. Our tools for the pursuit of wildlife improve faster than we do, and sportsmanship is a voluntary limitation in the use of these armaments. It is aimed…

  • Privatization or transfer to states would be a massive loss of personal freedom- In politics, it is common to hear that adoption of this or that policy would be a great loss (or gain) for freedom or liberty. Very often such policies do involve economic liberty for some group or business. Other times the policy…

  • The art of land and wildlife management has fallen into the hands of political actors who are beholden to powerful interests who only care about how much money they can squeeze out of our wildlife and public lands. When faced with making tough decisions, these professional bureaucrats have learned special skills to move up through…

  • Was it political expediency? News release RENO, Nev. – The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today abandoned its plan to give Endangered Species Act protection to Mono Basin sage grouse, a small and isolated population of prairie birds in Nevada and California that remain under threat from grazing, habitat loss and mining development. The agency’s decision…

  • While this describes a single incident in Bend, the basic principle is the same everywhere. Indiscriminate killing of predators creates more conflicts with humans. State wildlife agencies argue that hunting/trapping will reduce human conflicts when in fact it often exacerbates them. The recent killing of yet another cougar in Bend represents a tragic and unnecessary…

  • Koch Bros. will smile at his attempt to auction off our lands- Ted Cruz has jumped on the billionaire’s land grab wagon by offering a bill requiring the federal government to give away or sell off what he terms “excess lands,” whether they be our national parks, national forests, national wildlife refuges or BLM lands.…

  • Bill on interstate compact on federal lands transfer dies in committee in Senate. Spokesman-Review. By Betsy Z. Russell. Earlier . . . Critical vote in state senate committee probably on April Fool’s- It has already passed the Idaho House with plenty of room to spare. April Fool’s Day is the likely day the Idaho State…

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