
  • Utah State Government shows its true colors on public lands- A month ago 20 protesters made a camp near PR Springs, high (8000 feet) on the Tavaput Plateau in the Book Cliffs of Eastern Utah. This is oil shale country For almost a century developers have been trying to figure how to extract the low…

  • Recently I received an alert from the Greater Yellowstone Coalition (GYC) asking me to send a letter to the Montana Dept of Fish, Wildlife and Parks  (MDFWP) requesting a slight reduction in their wolf killing/trapping quota outside of Yellowstone Park. The main rationale of the alert was that wolves were important to the local economy…

  • The Western Governors’ Association met earlier this month in Colorado to discuss, among other things, plans to oppose federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) protection for Greater sage-grouse and undermine federal conservation laws. The sage-grouse is in grave decline across its range in the western United States, but rather than spend time developing ways to restore…

  • Web site is called “Bundy’s Buddies” The name of scofflaw rancher “Cliven Bundy” continues to inspire not only certain Republican politicians who are planning more sagebrush rebellion, but now their opponents, who we might call “sagebrush patriots.” A new web site, Bundy’s Buddies, has been put up showing the name and photos of the most…

  • SL Tribune raises a question about his motives- Whenever public officials in the West gather to talk about “taking back” (transferring) the U.S. public lands to state ownership, the name Ken Ivory is likely to show up. We first first heard of this Utah state legislator about two years ago. He has been traveling to…

  • People are still talking about the defeat of Lenore Hardy Barrett in Idaho’s Republican Primary. She lost to 69-year old rancher Merrill Beyeler of Leadore, a town smaller than even Challis, ID where Barrett lived. Perhaps too soon, Merrill Beyeler had been declared “as good as elected” in the November general election. It is a heavily Republican…

  • Rangeland steward of the year takes out Barrett in Republican primary- Political analysis and opinion. By Ralph Maughan Any Idahoan concerned about wildlife, grazing, mining, or just a state representative who listens, will bolt upright when they learn the Idaho State Representative Lenore Barrett of Challis has, after years, bitten the political dust. Although she…

  • A rural minority rules the urban majority in the West, Why? We read that Westerners are moving to take back the federal lands, or Westerners are upset about too much environmental protection. We watch Old West  Cliven Bundy get away with stealing grass and his supporters massing to maybe gun down BLM law enforcement in…

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