
  • This is a big laugh, but does have important info about Bundy’s rangeland harm- For those who don’t want to discuss rangeland, wildlife, trespassing cattle, rare animals like tortoises, or Cliven Bundy’s damage to the public land, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is an impossible to ignore target. After all Senator Reid lives in Nevada…

  • By Ralph Maughan and Ken Cole In the acrimonious case of Cliven Bundy, it is important that folks understand a bit about the history of the U.S. public lands. Cliven Bundy, the rancher whose cattle were rounded up and then released by the BLM over the weekend, claims that his family has used the land…

  • Right wing seizes on Bundy trespass to go after Harry Reid- When a local issue goes national, it is often warped into other political agendas. We see that clearly with Cliven Bundy’s 20 years of public land cattle trespass coming to a head. A cursory search shows a sudden explosion of articles claiming Nevada’s senior…

  • Right wing outcry brings milita. Violence? It’s difficult to find news stories that stick to the issue of the 21 years Cliven Bundy has been in violation of the laws governing American public lands. The lone rancher trying to save his cattle from the “govmnt” is just too good a theme. Then too, they don’t…

  • Total trespass cattle secured 389- 134 cattle secured by Monday night- 43 additional cattle by Tuesday night- 75 more cattle by Wednesday night- 25 more Thursday night, 12 more Friday night- On Saturday, April 5 the U.S. Bureau of Land Management BLM) began rounding up the hundreds of cattle owned by rancher Cliven Bundy of…

  • Wilderness Act of 1964 was the beginning of statutory protection of wild country- It took seven years to move the Wilderness Act through Congress, but finally in 1964 it passed and President Lyndon Johnson signed the bill into law.  While some Forest Service lands had already been administratively protected as a kind of backcountry called…

  • Did militant unlimited property-rights firebrand die in Oso landslide? Many speculate why there was so little action to prevent building below an obvious landslide area near Oso, Washington, where now 25 bodies have been recovered. A likely contributing factor has just emerged in the news. Living in the path of the landslide was Thom Satterlee, 65, and…

  • Warning after warning was given- Although first reports from local officials after the lethal mud slide were basically, “we had no idea, a bolt from the blue, this came out of nowhere, an Act of God,” etc., many warnings were given over the years from experts, agencies and the state. There were actions to stop and…

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