Popular Lake Mead/BLM desert area to be closed in portions to secure cattle of scofflaw rancher- See updates at the bottom of the article. “Public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in Clark County, Nevada, within the Gold Butte, Mormon Mesa, Bunkerville Flats Areas will see temporary closures to the public beginning…
Today Idaho’s Governor Otter signed H0470, the Wolf Control Board bill, and H0649, the bill that appropriates $400,000 in general funds to the Board, into law. The Board will receive additional funds up to $220,000 with $110,000 coming from Idaho Department of Fish and Game and $110,000 coming from the livestock industry for a total of up…
17 groups call law unconstitutional- It’s still hard to figure out why this sweeping bill criminalizing almost all public oversight of agriculture swept the Idaho legislature. At any rate, 17 plaintiffs are taking it on, perhaps because Idaho’s new ag gag statute is such a fat target (update, see their brief at the bottom) The…
On the last day of the Idaho Legislature, HB470, the Wolf Control Board bill, jumped its final hurdle before going to the Governor’s desk to be signed into law. The board will be funded with $400,000 from the general fund and $110,000 from the livestock industry and $110,000 from the Idaho Department of Fish and…
Washington, D.C. – Today, Ranking Member of the House Natural Resources Committee Peter DeFazio (D-OR) released a bipartisan letter co-signed by 73 House members urging Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell to continue critical protections for endangered gray wolves. The letter comes on the heels of an independent peer review that found the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service…
The Idaho Joint Finance-Appropriations Committee (JFAC) has just appropriated $400,000 for the Wolf Control Board created by HB470. Instead of receiving a one time $2 million appropriation as requested by the Governor, the Board will have to return to JFAC for funding in the following years. Yesterday the bill was amended by the Senate to…
Today the Idaho Senate Resources and Environment Committee unanimously passed H470, the bill creating the Wolf Control Board, but the bill will be amended to include minor changes, including one that would put the board under the governor’s office, before going to the full Senate. The Joint Finance-Appropriations Committee will determine the level of funding…
The Idaho Senate Resources and Environment Committee has scheduled a hearing for H 470, the Wolf Control Board bill. There will be an opportunity for public testimony and a vote will take place to send it to the Senate Floor. 1:30 P.M., Friday, March 14, 2014 Room WW55 Idaho Statehouse, Boise, Idaho. Stream the hearing LIVE Here.…