
  • Today the Idaho Senate Resources and Environment Committee unanimously passed H470, the bill creating the Wolf Control Board, but the bill will be amended to include minor changes, including one that would put the board under the governor’s office, before going to the full Senate. The Joint Finance-Appropriations Committee will determine the level of funding…

  • The Idaho Senate Resources and Environment Committee has scheduled a hearing for H 470, the Wolf Control Board bill.  There will be an opportunity for public testimony and a vote will take place to send it to the Senate Floor. 1:30 P.M., Friday, March 14, 2014 Room WW55 Idaho Statehouse, Boise, Idaho. Stream the hearing LIVE Here.…

  • Minnesota is the Great Lakes state not run by the Republicans. As a result, the state continues on in a fairly progressive way. including wildlife. Minnesota was the last holdout of wolves in the 48 states. From there they made a grand comeback in Wisconsin and Michigan. For a while it seemed the anti-wolf hysteria…

  • Some of the checkerboard landscape(s) across the western US can be attributed to the Congressional land grants made to the railroad barons in the 1800’s. While some lands were eventually developed for railroads, others never were. Unfortunately, instead of these unused lands being returned to the public domain, some were sold off to timber barons,…

  • Controversy over wolves and elk was predicted before wolves entered the area- Idaho Fish and Game reports it has used a helicopter to kill 23 wolves in the north central Idaho area commonly called the Lolo.  This is the latest in a continuing effort (6 forays in 4 years) to reduce the number of wolves…

  • Will a major Idaho brand kill the Koch Brothers’ ag-gag legislation- The sweeping bill to criminalize citizen surveillance of Idaho agriculture powered through the Idaho legislature. The common assumption is that  Governor Otter will sign it despite widespread opposition from many non-ag groups and Idaho citizens. The measure has also made national news. Most of…

  • All, that is except for the increasing boring deer and elk and some exotics- The Wildlife News has not paid a lot of attention lately to the state of New Mexico, but it appears the state wildlife mangers and governor have the same attitude as Idaho, but New Mexico is a more advanced case. In…

  • Today the Idaho House held its final hearing on Governor Otter’s “Wolf Control Board” bill HB470 which establishes a board which would be composed solely of people appointed by the Governor that would oversee wolf control in Idaho. The board would be funded using $2 million in general funds, $110,000 from the livestock industry, and $110,000…

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