
  • What’s a good news topic when we have a knife at our throats? This week ended, maybe for just a couple months. one of the gravest threats in American history. Many who  superficially follow politics obviously saw the engineered near default on the public debt of the United States as politics as usual. Others called it “partisan…

  • WOLF KILLING MAKES MOCKERY OF NORTH AMERICAN MODEL OF WILDLIFE CONSERVATION Many state wildlife agencies and organizations promote the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation (NAMWC) as a guiding philosophy for management.  There are seven major themes to the model. Despite the promotion of NAMWC, there are many apparent contradictions between the ideal and how…

  • The solidity of nature, even of creatures competing to eat the raw meat of the dead bison, is edifying. It brings a feeling of hopefulness at a time when humans claw at each other over political abstractions in a confused, but hostile, unnatural way, to detriment of all of us. There is currently a debate…

  • Utah to pay operating expenses, and might be reimbursed after gov’t shutdown- Utah, a state famous for its many scenic national parks has might a deal with Secretary of Interior, Sally Jewell,  To be opened and run with state funds are Arches, Bryce Canyon, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef, and Zion national parks. Also; Natural Bridges and Cedar…

  • We’ve seen it numerous times before when a member of Congress votes against funding their local district or state relies on, but then turns in a posture that says someone else was responsible and their local project could be run for free. Wyoming Republican Senator John Barasso and Wyoming’s lone U.S. House member Cynthia Lummis…

  • A second case of brucellosis has been found in cattle in the brucellosis surveillance zone near the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) in Montana. This has prompted Texas to ask for further testing of cattle that are exported from the area to be tested once they arrive in the the state. It’s not as big of…

  • Parks, wildlife refuges, national forests closed due to failure to pass a budget- (This story has the shutdown rules for 4 land management agencies) There was no last minute deal for a temporary budget extension passed at midnight. The federal government will now partially shut down. “Essential services” will continue without a budget. However, the…

  • Former Yellowstone superintendent Michael Finley doubts grizzly delisting due to lack of habitat- West Yellowstone, MT.  Last weekend the Greater Yellowstone Coalition celebrated the 30th anniversary of its founding back in 1983. Along with honoring the founders, especially activist Rick Reese, and former Board members, the Coalition (GYC) had a prime time panel consisting of…

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