
  • Idaho State Police hold up traffic to get megaload ahead of protesters- U.S. Highway 12, Idaho. “Fighing Goliath” is an organization of local Highway 12 citizens trying to protect their property, lives, and beautiful outdoors from “Corporate Canada” and its enablers in Idaho government. They have a blog detailing what is going on. We took…

  • What do you do when transport company is breaking federal law with state protection to haul giant machinery through Idaho to tar sands hell? It seems as though the Idaho and Montana state governments are working for Canada and the oil companies. Idaho citizens and the Nez Perce Tribe protests but they get arrested, rather…

  • Tribal leaders shoved aside by police leading the megaloads upriver- It was thought the megaloads issue on U.S Highway 12 across north central Idaho was finally settled by Federal Judge Lynn Winmill. Early this year he wrote a decision that the U.S. Forest Service has jurisdiction over any megaload seeking to traverse the  Highway 12…

  • There is a lot in the news about the potential listing of sage grouse under the Endangered Species Act. Western politicians are using heated rhetoric about how a listing would destroy their economies, and the “western way of life” (read death and destruction to native wildlife). And in good western tradition, they blame the federal…

  • Reality squashes the call of the right-winged goldbug- In recent years the siren call of the goldbug, mostly that of the right winged sub-species,  has been heard throughout much of the world. Infestation by this bug, this pest, is known to create fear of hyperinflation despite an actual condition of deflation, It also produces a…

  • Orofino, Idaho. The Clearwater National Forest has denied  the use of U.S. Highway 12 along the famed Lochsa River for the transport of megaloads bound for what some call the “tar sands hell” of south central Alberta. While the bulk of this battle was successfully fought a couple years ago by opponents  of the transport…

  •   I recently had encounters with three state wildlife agency biologists. All of them were quite open with their criticisms of their agencies predator policies.  I can’t reveal their names and I will change a few details to hide their identities. The first biologist told me there was no reason to kill predators. He said…

  • Editorial- by Ralph Maughan With developments like TripAdvisor.com and similar rating services you can find a good restaurant, motel, entertainment. It makes trips easier, more productive and fun too if it is a vacation. There is often more to a purchase than these things, and so there are other sites that rate products for safety, ease…

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