Some Republican members of House Natural Resources Committee gather to attack ESA and EAJA- Congressional hearings are held in theory to help gather information to write legislation. Every standing committee of Congress has members of both parties in proportion to their numbers in the full House or Senate. Many congressional hearings are not attended by…
After many many complaints, comment period will run until Oct. 28- Today the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today extended the public comment period until October 28 on two proposed rules to remove the gray wolf (Canis lupus) from the List of Threatened and Endangered Species, while maintaining protection and expanding recovery efforts for the…
Survey says elite public opinion on wolves in Southwest may differ greatly from average citizen’s- According to the results of a survey released by Defenders of Wildlife (see their news release below), Arizona and New Mexico citizens strongly support recovery of the Mexican wolf. 300 randomly selected registered voters in each state were interviewed by…
After the California Wolf Center posted a YouTube video of a phone interview with Dr. John Vucetich, who was blacklisted from being part of the peer review because he signed a letter that opposed the nationwide delisting of wolves, the US Fish and Wildlife Service has halted the selection of peer reviewers. According to E&E…
This is a guest editorial by Wendy Keefover, Director of the Carnivore Protection Program at WildEarth Guardians- The New York Times editors largely got it right when they recently editorialized critically about the cruel work of a little known program within the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) that annually spends over $100 million to kill some…
Forest Service failed to enforce their regulations on megaloads- News release- BOISE — Idaho Rivers United and the Nez Perce Tribe filed a joint lawsuit in federal court in Boise late this afternoon in order to stop the movement of megaloads along U.S. Highway 12 through tribal lands and the Clearwater-Lochsa Wild and Scenic River…
Idaho State Police hold up traffic to get megaload ahead of protesters- U.S. Highway 12, Idaho. “Fighing Goliath” is an organization of local Highway 12 citizens trying to protect their property, lives, and beautiful outdoors from “Corporate Canada” and its enablers in Idaho government. They have a blog detailing what is going on. We took…
What do you do when transport company is breaking federal law with state protection to haul giant machinery through Idaho to tar sands hell? It seems as though the Idaho and Montana state governments are working for Canada and the oil companies. Idaho citizens and the Nez Perce Tribe protests but they get arrested, rather…