Conservatives kill controversial bill- The Sportsmen’s Heritage Act passed the House last April, and the Senate version sponsored by Democratic Senator Jon Tester of Montana seemed poised to win Senate approval after beating back a number of filibuster attempts, a success that has become increasingly rare. Nevertheless, the bill would have still had to survive…
Supposedly protected Yellowstone Park wolves were slaughtered in Montana and Wyoming state wolf hunts. We predicted would happen. The Wildlife News, along with hundreds of other people, predicted that the Montana and Wyoming wolf hunts would end up killing many wolves that live inside Yellowstone Park (which is supposed to be a no hunting area)…
Yesterday the Desert Independent reported that on Election Day, after being asked about the treatment of wild horses and allegations made in a recent ProPublica article about the illegal sale of wild horses to a slaughter facility in Mexico, Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar turned to the reporter and said “If you set me up like this again,…
Growing movement said not to work, resulting in disappearance of wildlife and spread of disease- There is a new movement of sorts that does not believe that feral animals, primarily feral domestic cats and dogs should not be killed . . . at all. The “no-kill” movement has made surprising advances in cities and towns.…
Deb Fisher, tea party, public land rancher versus Bob Kerry, former Nebraska senator- This was a race Republicans thought they would not have to worry about because the state has become quite red, and the retiring Democratic Senator Ben Nelson, offers Republicans a chance to pick up a seat and win the U.S. Senate. Bob…
An article in the Idaho Statesman today says some opponents of the the proposed Idaho constitutional amendment to make trapping, fishing and hunting protected rights in Idaho could be used to harm wildlife habitat in Idaho, especially water. Ned Horner, who is the retired Idaho Fish and Game fish manager for northern Idaho, told reporter…
Is this amendment to Idaho Constitution needed? If there is any state where the abstract legal ability for people to hunt, fish and trap is guaranteed and there is no political threat, it is Idaho. Nevertheless, the Idaho Legislature has proposed and put on the November ballot a measure that would amend the Idaho Constitution…
Republican Hill sees wildlife in terms of hunting; Democrat Bullock takes a more expansive view of the value of wildlife- The view of governors on wildlife makes a big difference because wildlife management is the province of the states except for endangered species and some marine mammals. Montana’s Democrat and current attorney general Steve Bullock…