
  • State to always have at least one area open to wolf hunting- New rules! Idaho has decided in effect to always have at least one place in the state open to wolf hunting on a rotating basis.  This is in addition to the general wolf hunt that goes for about half a year. Wolf hunting…

  • Federal animal control agency meets with American Society of Mammalogists after 93 years of criticism- The American Society of Mammalogists has been criticizing the agency in the federal government that kills “problem” predators for 93 years now.  That agency has gone by many names over that long period.  Wildlife Services is the most recent, and…

  • Mitt and Don up in a tree (stand), . . . A huge, two-page centerfold ad in today’s Bozeman Chronicle by Big Game Forever (biggameforever.org) urges readers to sign a petition to demand predator management and support for H.R. 509 and S. 249, American Big Game and Livestock Protection Act, which would exempt gray wolves…

  • Democrat Bob Kerrey uses increasingly popular term to attack rancher/politician who utilizes low federal grazing fees- Republican Deb Fischer, like others who graze cattle or sheep on federal public lands, pays almost nothing in return to the U.S. treasury. Politics has held down the fee paid to graze public lands so that now the fee…

  • Despite the ecological reality that beetle-kill is part of healthy functioning forest ecosystem, Montana Senator Max Baucus successfully added an amendment to the Farm Bill that would provide additional funds to log beetle killed trees as well as “stream line” the process of getting out timber sales. Baucus stated this would be “good news” to…

  • Update: June 27, 2012 Congressman Mike Simpson has withdrawn his proposed new rider which the story below is about. He said he is going to try to bring people together in a roundtable soon. He also said his new rider had amplified the rhetoric on the issue which was not what he wanted. Ralph Maughan…

  • Farm bill being debated will not permit votes on savage anti-conservation amendments- The Farm Bill in the Senate originally had over 300 proposed amendments, including several that would be real outdoors wreckers such as deliberately misnamed “Sportsmens Heritage Act“. . A few beneficial amendments that would have truly helped conserve our land and water were…

  • Aasif Mandvi delivers the fake news about Idaho’s two-headed fish from a creek below Simplot’s Smokey Canyon Mine. Selenium has been a problem associated with the massive amount of phosphate mining that is taking place in eastern Idaho. The Daily Show Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on Facebook

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