
  • Flare up over bed n’ breakfast gives insight to repression that is usually more subtle- Recently we did a story on a controversy over license for a tiny bed n’ breakfast in Wallowa County near Joseph, OR, “NE Oregon . . . get friendly with wolf watchers and lose your property rights.” Since then matters…

  • Famed physicist advocates new populations of humans be established to avoid our extinction- What? At 7-billion “strong” we need to establish new populations? Yes! Stephen Hawking, the great astrophysicist, recently wrote that humans need to spread into outer space or else. (ABC News). While he didn’t refer to endangered species act, or directly to projects…

  • Did Canada cover up the emergence of Atlantic salmon virus on the Pacific Coast for nine years? In late October we ran the story that infectious salmon anemia (ISA), which has devastated Atlantic salmon and salmon farms in Chile was found in three wild Pacific salmon. It might have spread to west coast fish farms…

  • Fifteen breeding pairs with a required minimum in three regions of the state will be required- Olympia, WA. The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission has finally given official approval to a state wolf plan. Before state (this is not a federal) delisting is met there are supposed to be 15 breeding pairs of wolves, not…

  • Note: A number of updates have been added to this story as other news media picked this up.  Lots of egg on the BLMs face!  RM For these scroll to the bottom. – – – – Nov. 30, 2011. This morning Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) filed a scientific misconduct complaint with the Department…

  • Congressional hearings are rigged, but occasionally you can insult congressional tyrants- Public hearings before Congress are hardly ever disinterested forums for gaining policy knowledge. They are mostly set up by the majority party to move or retard legislation or score some political points. Hearings are used to make it appear the public is listened to,…

  • REVA (H.R. 3432) Would Provide Cash Option for Grazing Permittees Conservationists hailed the introduction of the Rural Economic Vitalization Act (H.R. 3432) in Congress, a bill that would allow federal grazing permittees to voluntarily relinquish their grazing permits back to the managing federal agency in exchange for compensation paid by a third party. The bill…

  • Law makes hash of the talk of superb state level wolf management? In the new Montana wolf hunt those who shoot a wolf can tag it and walk away, leaving the entire wolf on the ground.  Nick Gevock of the Montana Standard just blew the whistle on this amendment that was sneaked into Montana’s game…

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