People just won’t be quiet about this oil company slash at the planet and America- Developing the Alberta tar sands keeps getting more and more controversial. First it was the pits and the megaloads, but now the anger has shifted to the Keystone XL pipeline that would bring the said-to-be toxic syncrude from Alberta to…
Highway 12 application is not abandoned, but might be dead for practical purposes- Imperial oil, which is the Canadian version of Exxon-Mobil, has underscored what may be their abandonment of their controversial efforts to truck gigantic loads (hence “megaload”) up the scenic, narrow Clearwater and Lochsa River canyons into Montana and from there a controversial…
Niemeyer’s Memoir Wolfer Addresses The Societal Hatred Of Lobos- Among those who follow the wolf controversy most are now familiar with the name “Carter Niemeyer.” He is one of the few who walks right down the middle, which nowadays likely means he gets it from both sides. Todd Wilkinson produces the Wildlife Art Journal has…
The Wallowa County Chieftain has issued an editorial which echos my sentiments on the controversy unfolding over whether the Hunter’s should be allowed to expand their Bed and Breakfast business to a parcel of land that they bought for the purpose. Rather than discussing the relevant issues relating to the B&B the discussion at the…
Couple near Joseph, Oregon have plans for a bed and breakfast rejected because they associate with enviros and might enjoy wolves- A couple owning 16 acres of land deemed unsuitable for agriculture have lost their first round in an attempt to build a tiny bed and breakfast on their land because local folks believe they…
Release of 32 bighorn underway- This release by the Nevada Department of Wildlife, Nevada Bighorns Unlimited and private individuals has taken 20 years to be accomplished. The stock for the release came from Nevada to the south around Stonewall Mountain near Tonapah. They are desert, not Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep. Bighorn are now back in…
Lawsuit tries to permanently derail plan to let bison use Gardiner Basin in the winter. Early last spring bison were suddenly allowed to use the Gardiner Basin just north of Yellowstone Park for the first time in over a generation. State, federal and tribal officials signed what was to be a landmark agreement to let…
9th Circuit Filings – Constitutional Challenge to Wolf Delisting Rider ^Update 10/18/11 – Posted: Alliance for the Wild Rockies et al’s Emergency Motion for Injunction Pending Appeal, Motion for Summary Judgement Response Briefs (Appellees US Fish and Wildlife Service; Intervenors RMEF, NRA, & Montana/Idaho Farm Bureaus; Montana Amicus Brief) **Update 8/24/11 – Posted: Alliance for…