
  • It should be obvious that while wolves will be absolutely protected in GTNP, the Park is so small it is almost meaningless- All of Grand Teton’s wolf packs spend some, usually most of their time outside the Park, so Grand Teton’s concerns are much more likely to be valid than DOI’s, which is treating wolves…

  • In the most recent issue of the journal, Science my colleagues and I argue that the wildlife trust doctrine (a branch of the broader public trust doctrine) may provide a legal means for interested citizens to compel states to conserve controversial species such as wolves. We argue that this common law doctrine fills the gap…

  • “Why You Should Eat Yak Instead of Beef-“ Maybe folks ought not just “like” this on Facebook. Send it to your governors.  Oregon’s governor could use a copy now. Why You Should Eat Yak Instead of Beef. By Christopher Ketcham. Truthdig.

  • Anti-wolf extremists seek to threaten reporting on wolves- It seems like a fair piece to me, although the report consistently overestimates the number of wolves. There are no longer 1700 wolves in the Northern Rockies. There never were 1000 in Idaho though this is what the report says. Cowboys v. Gray Wolves. The usual suspects…

  • Risch, Crapo, Labrador introduce bill to allow people to defend themselves during grizzly bear attacks — a cynical redundancy! They already can. We knew Idaho’s congressional delegation would try to make hay over the recent death of one of two bear hunters who wounded a grizzly bear, tracked it and was killed when it charged.…

  • GOP-backed bill tries to give Homeland Security a pass on environmental laws within 100 miles of international borders for “national security” The “National Security and Federal Lands Protection Act (H.R. 1505),” is slowly moving in the GOP-controlled House. So far hearings have been held. Supporters say it would help border patrol activities by waiving 36…

  • Montana’s U.S. Jon Tester and his 2012 Republican challenger, Rep. Denny Rehberg, are debating which one deserves the most credit for pulling the wolf in Montana off the Endangered Species Act- George Ochenski of the Missoula Independent sees this debate as illustration why 87% of Americans say Congress is doing a terrible job. The dumbest…

  • Suzy Foss, one of far right majority on commission, says local folks fear for their children playing outside- The Ravalli County, Montana, Commission dominated by right wingers in this sub-division riddled part of the Bitterroot Valley has been  fanning hysteria to divert attention from their collusion with subdividers, their anti-conservation ethic, and their religious pushiness,…

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