AquaBounty’s super salmon frighten salmon fishers, greens and some of the country’s brownest congressionals- They were created from a sterile Atlantic salmon female with a Chinook salmon growth hormone gene added. They grow twice a fast as natural salmon, and are designed to be farmed in inland ponds. They are sterile, but many fear what…
Hyperphagia and hunting season relates to more grizzly/human encounters- Hyperphagia is period of intensive feeding by grizzly bears before hibernation. They will consume as much food as possible to make it through their period of hibernation. We are now entering the start of that period, one that results in more encounters with humans, now that…
It’s whether he turns down the Keystone XL pipeline- Exploiting the tar sands of Alberta is so bad that famous NASA climatologist James Hansen said that if they are fully exploited for their oil deposits, “it is essentially game over” for the planet. So will he make nice with the oil companies and the Republicans…
Environmentally destructive programs identified by activists from the left and the right- Viewpoint: Spending Cuts Are Great When the Spending Is Stupid. By Michael Grunwald . Time Magazine This proposal is being made by the deficit-hawk Taxpayers for Common Sense, free-market Heartland Institute, the environmental group Friends of the Earth, and consumer watchdog Public Citizen.
Land and Water Conservation Funds cuts hurt places that depend on wildlife and scenery, Interior Sec. says- The Land and Water Conservation Fund dates to the Eisenhower Administration. It is to purchase important conservation lands (and waters). The Fund’s monies come from oil leasing fees so to make up for the damage oil exploration and…
Appeals courts says elk feeding is not illegal, but risky- This issue is closely related to the Wyoming wolf plan story because Wyoming just loves feeding elk, and dragging along the federal government to feed them too Conservation groups appealed the loss in their effort to stop elk and bison feeding on the National Elk…
Mike Hudak interviews Don Oman, a 35-year veteran of the U.S. Forest Service, about his experience working with the agency as a part of Hudak’s series of interviews compiled for Western Turf Wars: The Politics of Public Lands Ranching Don Oman, a 35-year veteran of the U.S. Forest Service explains how political pressure initiated by ranchers…
Plants, and animals that can, shift north, head upslope, and faster than predicted- After analyzing 2000 species, biological scientists at York University found that on the average, “species have moved to higher elevations at 12.2 metres per decade and, more dramatically, to higher latitudes at 17.6 kilometres per decade.” This is about 2 or 3…