Lookout Pack has disappeared, but now there are 4 other packs in state- Argument over wolves gets heated though wolves are rarely seen and seem to have no perceptible effects- Wolfpacks of North Cascades [Washington], though elusive, very divisive. By Gary Chittim. King 5 News
Montana judge’s ruling saves Lochsa River and local Idaho and Montana residents- Imperial Oil, Canadian spawn of ExxonMobil has announced they are going to try to break down the size of their tar sands-bound megaloads so that they won’t have to use narrow, winding, scenic U.S. Highway 12 through North Central Idaho and then Montana.…
Federal judge rejects federal salmon plan once again as he did with Obama’s predecessors- The judge said Obama’s plan sucks too, and he raises the specter of breaching the pork barrel dams on the lower Snake River (in Washington State). This judicial fight has gone on for a decade. Redden plays the game carefully, however.…
Though this is hardly a revelation in this forum, Time Magazine reaches a wide audience- Republican politicians’ anti-conservation fury is only about a decade old. Many conservation leaders were prominent Republicans and sponsored bills they now attack. Of course, this may not be surprising because I think Ronald Reagan himself might not accepted by today’s…
A cement plant in a sparsely inhabited part of Oregon produces massive amounts of neurotoxic mercury. Idaho’s Simpson wants to give them a free pass to pollute Idaho- Mercury is not an unavoidable contaminant of cement. However, the deposit near Durkee, Oregon contains a very high level. Durkee, Oregon itself is a bit of nothing…
Humans, pets at increased risk of dangerous interactions- Texas is in a very severe drought and wild animals are getting desperate for water and will take big risks. Drought causing Texas wildlife to act out of character. By Shannon Tompkins. Houston Chronicle. Governor Rick Perry has a policy to deal with it and more, however.…
Several articles are relevant- Oil spill into Montana river raises scrutiny about nation’s pipelines. By Matthew Brown and Garance Burke. Associated Press. It turns out there are many oil pipelines under our rivers, great and small. They are subject to many hazards, and I should add that the House Republicans are busily trying cut the…
Effort by Idaho Republican to cut all new endangered species listings is stripped out of the critical 2012 Interior Budget Bill- Dicks’ amendment to DOI Appropriations bill in the House passes!! House Appropriations subcommitte chair Mike Simpson of Eastern Idaho figured he had it all lined up to abolish the listing of endangered species by…