
  • Several articles are relevant- Oil spill into Montana river raises scrutiny about nation’s pipelines. By Matthew Brown and Garance Burke. Associated Press. It turns out there are many oil pipelines under our rivers, great and small. They are subject to many hazards, and I should add that the House Republicans are busily trying cut the…

  • Effort by Idaho Republican to cut all new endangered species listings is stripped out of the critical 2012 Interior Budget Bill- Dicks’ amendment to DOI Appropriations bill in the House passes!! House Appropriations subcommitte chair Mike Simpson of Eastern Idaho figured he had it all lined up to abolish the listing of endangered species by…

  • H.R.1581 Bruce Babbit, former Secretary of the Interior in the Clinton Administration, claims that the wolf delisting rider was the wake-up call that brought him back into the foray on public land and wildlife issues.  Now he’s taking aim at a piece of legislation that would capitalize on Congress’s slow action and open up greater…

  • DeChristopher and Noel, a tale of two crimes. Salt Lake Tribune. This is about the difference in the sentence given DeChristopher versus a notorious Utah plunderer of historical antiquities on public lands. DeChristopher sentence riles protesters. 26 arrested. By Derek P. Jensen. The Salt Lake Tribune – – – – Added July 28 and 29,…

  • Peaceful disruptor of BLM oil auction to be sentenced today by our ExxonMobil government- Bill Mckibben opines on today’s sentencing of Tim DeChristopher by a government that couldn’t find a single corrupt banker after they just about destroyed the economy back in 2008. Tim DeChristopher and the feds. By Bill Mckibben.  The Salt Lake Tribune.…

  • Update on efforts to kill the anti-conservation measures in the House’s DOI budget bill for 2012- This is a thorough update to the earlier story we posted on this. House Democrats to Take Aim at Policy Riders in Interior, EPA Spending Battle. New York Times. By Jean Chemnick. A fair amount focuses on why (shudder)…

  • The Tester-Simpson budget rider that interfered with an ongoing lawsuit is before Judge Molloy- The legal issue in question is not wolves, but whether Congress can constitutionally decide the outcome of a lawsuit. We all know that congress can effectively overturn many court decisions afterwards, but if Jones sues Smith, for example, can Congress constitutionally…

  • There has been a lot of discussion about Murdoch’s sudden legal and political troubles. Given that he is one of the most dangerous people on the planet, it is hard to have sympathy. Today “This week in Science,” in Daily Kos is about the matter (but similar data can be found in many places).

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