Judge stops transport of megaloads through Western Montana- Great news! Especially after all the elected U. S. officials from governors to the White House seem to have sold out. Montana judge rules against transport of giant oilfield equipment. Victory for campaigners as decision delivers a new setback to the efforts of Alberta tar sands. By…
Another surprise. The real carbon absorbers are the temperate and boreal forests. Tropical forests are too compromised by humans- One of the best things that could happen to the future of our existence, IMO, would be the collapse of News Corps in the current scandal. Rupert Murdoch and crew have largely taken Australia, the U.K.…
Lummis shows bad faith the day before meeting with Secretary Salazar and Governor Mead- Salazar should have cancelled the meeting in response to Lummis’ actions. Democrats need to to understand they are dealing with opponents with ethics and values worse than Somali pirates. Story: Salazar blasts . . ., but Wyoming, feds near wolf deal.…
Slight indication of a changing tide in Idaho A couple of days ago I was pleasantly surprised when my neighbor approached me asking whether I’d be willing to sign a ballot initiative. “What’s is about ?” I asked. “Did you know that Idaho is one of only three states without a felony charge for animal…
Wonderful news! And don’t believe that stuff about “these areas are no longer biologically suitable for the grizzly.” If they are not suitable, how is it that they are living there? People who say things like that don’t seem to know much about the history of wildlife in the West. The low point for wildlife…
A massive forest fire and sudden right-wing politics makes survival of the rarest wolf slimmer still- New Mexico had a pretty good governor, Bill Richardson, in terms of wildlife, but he retired and was replaced by Susana Martinez of the far right. She replaced four members of the New Mexico State Game Commission, and they…
ExxonMobil pipeline under the Yellowstone River releases 30,000 – 50,000 gallons of crude into world famous river- It’s another one of those things they claimed was too unlikely to worry about. Now there is a large oil slick drifting down the Yellowstone River toward the Missouri, ruining riverside property, and polluting not just the river…