
  • For those looking for a laugh, the Idaho Statesman‘s relentless infatuation with Cowboy Custom & Culture never fails to disappoint: Documenting the Idaho buckaroo way of life – The Idaho Statesman Owyhee County rancher Paul Nettleton adds that “cowboys dance in bars and ride in rodeos. Buckaroos herd cows day in and day out. They’re…

  • Carter Niemeyer’s memoir, Wolfer, has won the 2011 IPPY (Independent Publishers Book Awards) gold medal for regional nonfiction. Since its release, I have run into quite a few folks who have read it. All of those I met commented on its evenhandedness. Many said their eyes were opened about the pressure that is applied to…

  • Oregon legislature fails to resurrect hunting practice banned by Oregon voters in 1994- Cougar hunting bill dies in Senate committee. Ashland Daily Tidings. Cougar hunting interests say they will try again in 2012.

  • A spot on Editorial from the LA Times: In the 2012 campaign, environmentalists don’t matter – LA Times Editorial Shortly after his party’s “shellacking” in the midterm election, President Obama ordered government agencies to ensure that new regulations took economic growth into consideration and that old ones be revoked if they “stifle job creation or make our economy…

  • Turf War or Legitimate Concern ? Earlier, we took a look at a recent settlement struck between the Interior Department and WildEarth Guardians that seeks to clear the logjam with species listings under the Endangered Species Act. The settlement would ask the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to make up or down determinations on a…

  • Credit to two local citizens who have taken on the world’s most profitable corporation, oil octopus Exxon-Mobil and others- Ah, some credit to two average folks fighting the international oil companies to try to save the economy, scenery, fish and wildlife of the area around U.S. Highway 12. Idaho megaload foes win Dalton Open Government…

  • Park County, Montana judge issues a temporary restraining order to prevent bison from roaming Gardiner Basin– This means trouble for the bison just released from the pens on the north boundary of Yellowstone Park. I see they are still playing the brucellosis card and the new Old West favorite, We’re scared of the animals!! Park…

  • The list of species the federal government has been more or less forced to consider for ESA protection has been growing longer and longer over the years, and yet it acts very slowly, complaining that species are being added at too fast a rate. Much of the agency’s tiny budget was eaten up responding to…

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