
  • Kill order, called “retribution”- Because there are not many wolves in Oregon, this is a big deal. The pack has 10-14 members.  There was one other wolf pack known on the Oregon/Washington state border in 2010 — the Wenaha Pack. It might have 6 members.  USFWS has ordered capturing and “euthanizing two un-collared sub-adults from…

  • Long time wildlife foe, Pearce spreading lies about protecting lizard and jobs- Politics and reality clash in New Mexico. Posted on May 1, 2011 by Bob Berwyn. Summit County Citizens Voice. Although he was out of office for a couple years, newly elected Pearce (R-US Rep)  is up to his old tricks, made meaner for…

  • NYT condemns Salazar and his acquiescence to delisting the wolf by legislative rider- A Hole in the Endangered Species Act. New York Times.

  • Another roadblock to the use of Idaho Highway 12 and Montana highways as corridors for moving Alberta bound tar sand equipment- This is good news, although likely temporary. The turnouts constructed on the Montana side of Lolo Pass appear to be larger than the oil giant said and closer to Lolo Creek which already suffers…

  • Anti-Wolfer’s Success In An End-Run Delisting of Wolves MUST Ultimately Backfire George Wuerthner wrote this now apt essay over a year ago, published in New West last September, suggesting that should anti-wolf interests succeed in delisting wolves and fail to exercise restraint in killing wolves that it would ultimately backfire. Wolf Restoration is a Challenge…

  • Wolves will be removed from the Endangered Species List in Idaho, Montana, and parts of Oregon, Washington, and Utah within 60 days. Wolves to come off endangered list within 60 days Associated Press

  • President Obama will sign the bill into law and wolves will no longer enjoy the protection of the Endangered Species Act. The House and Senate passed a budget bill which included the rider to delist wolves in Idaho, Montana and parts of Oregon, Washington, and Utah but leaves the status of wolves in Wyoming unchanged.…

  • So much for Harry Reid’s promise that the budget bill wouldn’t be used to carry anti-environment riders Around Christmas, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced that the administration would be pursuing a BLM Wild Lands initiative, vague direction to BLM to inventory lands which exhibit wilderness characteristics for future Congressional Wilderness designation consideration. It was a…

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