Well, they’ve done it. They’ve reached an agreement to keep language in the upcoming budget bill which would delist wolves everywhere in the Northern Rockies except Wyoming. (Added to clarify what has happened) While this process doesn’t immediately delist wolves, it cannot be challenged. It is unclear exactly what the language says but presumably wolves…
Shutdown is likely. National Parks will be closed. Other public lands? It looks more and more like a government shutdown of uncertain duration. Dept of Interior just made it clear that national parks and monuments will be closed down and “secured.” I have to wonder what will happen come Saturday to all those currently inside…
” . . . our Legislature has completely abandoned reasoned discourse.” Editorial basically says Idaho legislature has gone bonkers. And in the end, hysteria triumphs in Idaho Legislature. Magic Valley (Twin Falls, ID) Times-News. Most of the comment on the blog has been about what happens to the wolves, but my take has also been…
The Idaho Statesman has published an editorial about the recent “Wolf Disaster Declaration” recently passed by the Idaho House and sent to the floor for a vote in the state Senate: Our View: Beware: Legislative ‘scientists’ at work – Idaho Stateman Editorial Board Boyle says Idahoans feel physically and psychologically threatened by the wolves —…
The Senate Resources and Environment Committee will be holding a hearing today at 2:00 pm on H343 in room WW02 of the Capitol building. There will likely be crowd present so be there early if you want to testify. This bill, which is likely to pass and be signed by the Governor, demonstrates exactly why…
It Passed 64-5 Sometimes you have to wonder……. It doesn’t seem like a good move by those who want wolves to be delisted to me. House presses on with wolf disaster declaration. Associated Press Update: According to sources in the legislature, I’m guessing that this will likely pass the Senate and be signed by the Governor.…
Meltwater Stonefly (Lednia tumana) The Meltwater Stonefly, an aquatic insect scientists consider can be “ideal early warning indicators of climate warming in mountain ecosystems” is the latest in the long list of species abandoned by the Obama Administration using the “Warranted But Precluded” determination to deny meaningful protections under the Endangered Species Act. Rare fly won’t…
Language of the “Wolf Disaster Declaration” published. Bill Status: H0343. It is not the same language as contained in the legislation we posted in February. It essentially provides for a disaster declaration if there are more than 100 wolves in Idaho. “[T]he legislature finds that public safety has been compromised, economic activity has been disrupted…