The argument that more drilling, fewer regulations will bring down oil price spikes is a tired old story- The oil industry recycles it for every international crisis, nevertheless; and the media take it seriously (sort of). Once again they are exposed, although simple logic tells us that a strategy that takes years to implement will…
Numbers were a big anti-wolf disappointment- Disappointing small number of anti-wolf protesters show up at Molloy hearing. Missoulian. By Ken Briggeman.
Earlier we learned why Western Watersheds Project stands firm. Does not join wolf settlement. Now initial briefs have been filed before the Court, with the Settling Parties filing a motion for an indicative ruling, essentially asking the judge whether he would partially stay the August 2010 order vacating and setting aside the U.S. Fish and…
FAIR Magazine deconstructs the latest proclaimation that a nuclear (power) renaissance is happening- FAIR Magazine watches for media bias and censorship whether it comes from corporations, non-profits, the government or the institutional biases inherent to journalism. In the past, FAIR took time to examine the bias now the media reports about the wolf restoration. Below…
A good op ed from Idaho Rivers United- Megaloads tread on Idaho values. By Kevin Lewis. Idaho Mountain Express.
The groups that settled have not gained the assurance of anything- Today’s announcement that a number of plaintiffs in the wolf delisting case are seeking a settlement with the Department of Interior they hope Judge Molloy will approve does represent a difference in strategy how to proceed in the current political environment. Three groups, the…
Groups pursue different strategies for a variety of reasons- I suppose there might be different statements from some of the groups. I think the differences were based on differing perceptions of what the future holds in terms of legislation and the worthiness of the Administration’s position of protecting the existing population of wolves. Personally, I…
It’s now official party dogma. There is no climate-change- I was thinking of writing an essay on this yesterday after I read about this vote, but I see Andrew Leonard already wrote it, and it was published on-line at Salon.com. Triumph of the flat-earth Republicans. Who cares what scientists believe? The House GOP is on…